Early morning work outs kill me!

Okay.. am I really the only one who can't work out early in the morning without feeling like an absoute zombie by noon? During the week, I would love to work out in the morning or even in the middle of the day during lunch (which I used to do). But, after the initial workout high I seriously CRASH. Looking like your about to pass out at work is no bueno for me lol.

I see a lot of people who work out in the morning before work and it doesn't seem to affect how tired they are throughout the day. All I know is I have tried it before and by noon I need a nap. Am I doing something wrong here? Do I need to drink a red bull or something :laugh:? I eat enough so that's not an issue. Advice appreciated!


  • Beertroll
    If you're getting up earlier to go to the gym but not going to bed earlier, it's probably simple sleep deprivation. Or, you're like me and just not a morning person. My wife and I work out in the evenings after work. It's just as effective, and it fits our schedule.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I'm just not a morning person!!! :noway:

    I work out at lunch. I find it fits my day best and since I have a busy on the feet kind of job I don't really get that sleepy feeling.
  • joleciamichelle
    joleciamichelle Posts: 139 Member
    I've been an early morning exerciser for most of my life. When you first start morning workouts, it is a tough transition on your body, I've found there are several things that I have to do to be able to sustain it as a part of my lifestyle. For me, I have to go to sleep early. I wake up at about 5:30am and my body is happiest when I am in bed by 8. Life isn't perfect and I don't always make that lofty goal but during the week you will rarely (if ever) see me up past 10 and generally I am laying down around 9ish. I also have to have a certain meal schedule to sustain myself. I hate eating early in the morning so I make myself have some fruit or a protein shake when I first wake up at about 5:30 or so and then I will have something small after I workout and those two things combined are what I call breakfast part I and II lol. and then my evening meal is important, I try to eat by 6pm because I can't eat too heavily before I go to bed or else I won't feel well at all for my workout in the morning and also risk not being able to get to sleep on time (for some reason, eating later gives me a second wind and makes me restless). All of this may seem like a lot/ a nuisance but I wouldn't have it any other way, I will never give up my morning workouts, for nothing or nobody! Good luck, I hope you find what works best for you, even if it's not morning workouts :)
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    I can't do morning workouts. My legs feel so weak in the morning that I can due the moves correctly. I like evening or night workouts. My legs feel good and workouts burn my energy and help me sleep better,
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I cannot do morning workouts either. I have to have a bare minimum of 30 minutes to wake up before I do anything, so I end up having to get up almost 3 hours early to workout before work in the morning, shower, then get ready. And that is just not happening.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    What time do you go to bed? I wake up at 4 to workout at 5. But I'm always in bed by 10pm the LATEST. I try to shoot for 8:30, but life happens. I too need a lot of time to fully wake up which is why I set my alarm for 4. That gives me time to drag my feet, make coffee, and enough time for the coffee to kick in.

    I'll admit the first few weeks I woke up that early to workout I did want to nap by noon, but now that I make sure that I go to bed early, I don't feel like that anymore.

    Also, warming up is really important for morning workouts. I focus mainly on heavy lifting, if I haven't warmed up enough, just the bar (45 pounds) feels like it weighs 200 pounds.