New here - Here's my story


My name is Gina. I am about 2 weeks away from being 38. I work full time and have 2 kids at home (2.5 and 5).

I am 5’3” and weigh 120lbs – would love to be back down to 113-ish.

I was always on the smaller side except that pesky freshman 15++

My highest weight was 125 when I graduated college. 3 months later I was down to 104 – I guess no more late night pizza and drinking caused the weight loss.

At 28 I was 113lbs and going to gym 3-4 times a week – my body was in great shape – I met my now husband there and we eventually stopped going to the gym. When we got married at age 30 I was back to 104 (guess I lost muscle).

After my 1st child I was around 110 – after my 2nd child, 118lbs and now I am 120 and terrified the number will keep rising.

I currently go to Curves 3 times a week. I know many of you think Curves is a waste of time but its honestly all I can fit in right now – its right next to my work so I can run there and do a 30 min workout and pick up kids from daycare at 5pm and still spend some time with them before bed. I do the curves smart and use a tracking device – it says I burn 500 calories per workout.

I wake at 6am to get ready for work so I can’t work out in the morning (not a morning person) and by 8:30pm when both kids are in bed I am exhausted! So working out at Curves at 4pm works the best for me – something is better than nothing right?

I just started MFP on Monday – it has me at 1200 calories per day when I don’t work out and I am amazed how quickly my food adds up! Last night for dinner ( a non work out day) I only had 93 calories left so I had a banana =(

Anyway…. I am hoping by tracking my food I can make better choices and lose these few lbs.

Any suggestions to help me on my way are welcome!
