Insanity or T25?????

Hello I have heard and seen from others great things with insanity, but now there is T25. what are your thoughts, what is the difference? which one is better? gets faster results? thanks


  • Insanity would get you faster results because you'd burn more calories per workout. Because it's longer it's also harder to stay motivated with insanity.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm on week 9 of T25 and I love it. Its short, has someone to modify the moves and for me it's working. Its intense, there are no breaks. At first I was a little disappointed because, per my HRM, I wasn't burning a lot of calories, but so far I've lost about 8 inches from waist, hips and thighs and I'm getting a leaner look, even though I didn't lose a pound. Also I do strength training twice a week. Not following the nutrition guide, the first phase I was eating 1600 calories. I've upped to maintenance for the second phase. Still losing inches.
  • I'm on week 9 of T25 and I love it. Its short, has someone to modify the moves and for me it's working. Its intense, there are no breaks. At first I was a little disappointed because, per my HRM, I wasn't burning a lot of calories, but so far I've lost about 8 inches from waist, hips and thighs and I'm getting a leaner look, even though I didn't lose a pound. Also I do strength training twice a week. Not following the nutrition guide, the first phase I was eating 1600 calories. I've upped to maintenance for the second phase. Still losing inches.

    What's your maintenance? What's your current height/weight if you don't mind sharing. That's incredible progress--it truly is. Are you only doing T25 or other stuff as well?
  • T_X_L
    T_X_L Posts: 140 Member
    I prefer insanity. You can say or do whatever you want. The only downside is the padded hotel room, and the white dinner jacket that ties in the back.
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    I love insanity.....lost 17lbs my first round !
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm on week 9 of T25 and I love it. Its short, has someone to modify the moves and for me it's working. Its intense, there are no breaks. At first I was a little disappointed because, per my HRM, I wasn't burning a lot of calories, but so far I've lost about 8 inches from waist, hips and thighs and I'm getting a leaner look, even though I didn't lose a pound. Also I do strength training twice a week. Not following the nutrition guide, the first phase I was eating 1600 calories. I've upped to maintenance for the second phase. Still losing inches.

    What's your maintenance? What's your current height/weight if you don't mind sharing. That's incredible progress--it truly is. Are you only doing T25 or other stuff as well?

    When I started T25 I was 165lb and hoping to lose the last 15lbs and get into a size 8, but within the first few weeks, I was in a size 8 so I decided to go into maintenance for awhile and see where I was at the end of the second phase. My maintenance is 1720, not including exercise calories, though I'm always over on protein. I'm 5'4 1/2, as of last week 161lb, actually lost 4lbs in maintenance, sat at 165lb for 2 months. I do strength training 2 x week and walk my dog, but that's more of a workout for her. At some point I would really like to try Insanity, but for more of a challenge than to lose a lot of weight.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    I've just finished my first round of insanity and loved my results, but I will admit, that it took at least 6-7 weeks into the program until they were really visible and there were many frustrating days feeling as though I was killing myself and then not seeing changes. I certainly "felt" them and also was dropping inches, but didn't even feel it in my clothes until the later part. I am now on my second week of T25 and I LOVE the program for it's quickness, but I am also adding weight lifting 3 days a week. With insanity, I only dropped about 6-7 lbs total, but over 13 inches. On T25 and lifting, I have already lost 2 lbs and just under 2 inches from last week's measurements and can feel myself getting leaner. My weight/water weight depending on my nutrition can vary greatly so it's kind of hard to tell. Most women I've talked so said the same thing about results from T25 however, that they don't actually see visible results until the beta phase. On both programs, I think that nutrition is absolutely key. So far in my experiences, I think that I would go for T25 for the bang for you buck :) The shorter program is easier to stick with, and if you have some extra time and dedication, I would highly suggest adding lifting to continue to maximize your calorie burn and get that lean look we all desire!! With T25, I am also not sticking to the 1600 cal rule, I am eating about 1800-1900 because of the weight lifting, and so far, I think it's working for me!
  • denisew424
    denisew424 Posts: 9 Member
    I am on my last week of Alpha and will start Beta next week. I have lost inches, but my weight has crept up slightly. What type of weight training did you add? Thanks for the information...I am thinking I need to add some additional weight training, also.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    Personally, I've added 3 days of Body Beast - the 3 upper body days. I also have P90x (had not previously ever finished a program before insanity lol) and had considered adding those, but the body beast are a little shorter and more time efficient for me. They seem to be all about 40-45 minutes, but I skip a few things in each to bring them down to 35 just for time sake.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    If you are looking to do Insanity OR T25 my vote is for insanity.

    If you are looking to do one and then move to the other my vote is for T25.

    Insanity is INTENSE. It takes a lot physically, mentally ad emotionally to complete 63 days. T25 is intense in it's own right, BUT having done Insanity first, T25 feels like a step back for me. The only way I feel "accomplished" after T25 is if I double up. Just my opinion.

    Enjoy either one you choose!

    Just remember to throw away your scale and don't be surprised if in the first couple weeks you actually gain a couple pounds.