scared :(

I went to the doctor yesterday, and she said I have about six spots on my back that she wants me to have checked out by the dermatologist. When I was younger I use to tan in the tanning beds. I am so nervous that it could be cancer. I feel sick about this. I am finding it hard to even think about going to the gym today.

Tanning beds are not worth it :(


  • netgirl224
    Hang in there - whatever they are could be nothing to worry about, or you might have to have them cut out..or it could be something else. But just keep your chin up and think positive, that's the best thing to do right now! And don't let yourself get worked up till you know exactly what is going on.

    (My husband has had over 10 moles cut out because they are suspicious and the doctor deemed it necessary..there is a history of skin cancer in his family. I can relate to the anxiety you are feeling as we have been through it several times!)
  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    Tanning beds are not worth it. Neither is baking in the sun with baby oil ~ but I did that in the 70s and 80s... I go see a dermatologist each year. Each year she removes something from my freckled body (blonde hair too). Skin cancer is one of the most easily dealt with of cancers. Just make a yearly with a dermatologist. It is well worth any out of pocket cost you may have! I promise! Please private msg me if you need more info or to chat!
  • PJRiner
    PJRiner Posts: 58
    My husband and I are going to the Derm Doc tomorrow too. We constantly have something that needs removing. No worries. They will be removed. No more tanning!
  • iamdesiderata
    iamdesiderata Posts: 95 Member
    You can't change the past, but tomorrow can be a different story. We all know how important it is to stay out of the sun and use SPF, and I'm sure you do that now. That's the best you can do, and even if they're just suspicious looking, it's good to have them removed anyways.

    Exercise is proven to be the best stress reliever, so i would go ahead and exercise as usual. All in all, you want to be healthier, so i would keep up with eating clean and keeping active, and whatever those spots may be on your back, I don't think keeping up with your healthy lifestyle will hurt it any.

    Hang in there, I've gotten two scares like that before, but it was caught early enough. Think positively and hope for the best, I know I am, and everyone here on MFP is here for you :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,020 Member
    I had a suspicious mold on my arm and the dermatologist cut it out and that was it
  • sarahlauren2010
    i know how you are feeling, my mom had skin cancer about 7 years ago and had to get surgury. now she has a huge scar on her arm that reminds us everyday how dangerous the sun and tanning beds are. Its a good thing they caught it and it coould be nothing. Just have faith and pray and hopefully everything will be ok.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks everyone for giving me such great support :) I really appreciate it.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    So I am getting really nervous. I received my referral in the mail to go to the dermatologist. It said that I need to call and make an appointment with them. However they said that their wait to be seen is about six weeks. I am very worried that if this is cancer that waiting six weeks could be very bad. Does anyone have any advice on this matter? Waiting to find out about this is killing me.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I've had several pre-cancers removed. First, if they already suspect something, make sure to tell them that when you call to make your appointment. They will probably find a way to fit you in ahead of others. My doctor usually does. Second, even if they are cancerous, there are many different kinds, and most are benign. Even the more dangerous kinds shouldn't be a problem if you have to wait 6 weeks. Skin cancers are usually very slow-growing. If that happens, keep an eye on them, and if they change in appearance, then call your doctor back right away. I'm sure you'll be fine.

    Remember that stress won't improve anything and could make it worse. Try to relax and be patient. I know it's difficult - as I said, I've been there - but you'll do better if you do. Best of luck to you.