Which activities would help me to loose body fats

DearLittleFawn Posts: 4
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Should I do Cardio or Weights to loose body fats? I haven't tried any of these activities yet, but I'm afraid fats turn into muscles, any suggestions on how to loose body fats without turning it into muscles?


  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You need to eat at a calorie deficit and do both cardio and weights. Fat does not turn into muscles - and you already have muscles, so no fear.....
  • marianb2001
    marianb2001 Posts: 43 Member
    You should do both in my opinion. I am doing something for cardio everyday and alternating strength training on upper and lower body parts daily. I am just starting, but at least 30 mins cardio per day. Still trying to figure out the dumbells though. I registered for a gym yesterday so I can do more than just using the dumbells at home. I am also trying to lose weight and I don't want to end up skinny w/ fat. I have read here at MFP that both is good.
  • tatanisky
    tatanisky Posts: 33 Member
    You need to burn more calories than you consume; make sure to eat enough. Cardio burns the fat, which is reabsorbed into the blood and either used as fuel or is filtered out through the liver.

    Weights will help you build muscle, which burns more calories. So, ideally, you should do both.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    A caloric deficit is for weight loss, exercise is for health. Both are good for you (and weight training will help you retain the muscles you already have so that you don't end up skinny fat), so find something you enjoy doing and can stick with. Eating right, however, is the only essential for weight loss.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Turning fat into muscle is as possible as turning oranges into cell phones. It just won't happen.

    Eating at a moderate deficit and strength training is the best way to lose (see, one o!) fat. Cardio alone will help with scale loss, but you'll also lose lean muscle mass.

    Eat right (not too low) and pick up weights. You will not "bulk" without pharmaceutical help.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Losing fat (as opposed ot losing weight) is about 2 things: weight loss and muscle retention.

    To lose weight you need to maintain a moderate calorie deficit.
    To retain muscle you need to lift, especially lifting heavy. HIIT cardio is good too, if you prefer that.

    So, to your question... the most effective approach is a moderate calorie deficit + heavy lifting and/or HIIT. Steady state cardio does work too, but most things I've read say heavy lifting is MORE effective.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Fat cannot turn into muscle! They are different kinds of cells. That's like saying an apple can turn into a banana. You can lose fat and gain muscle but the fat cells do not go away, they are just empty.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Eat less. Lift more.
  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    It should also be known that most of the fat cells made are during infancy and adolescence. After that, your fat cells shrink or expand. There is also fat that is just under the skin and then there is fat around your internal organs. The abdominal organ fat is probably worse as it puts pressure on your organs. It also means that your liver is unhealthy; you may have a fatty liver. I have read free reports from the liver doctor. If you would like to read them, her site is: www.liverdoctor.com
    So they say that we should control the fat intake, drink lots of water, exercise more than you consume in calories. Eat more fruits and vegetables for their vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Everyone is correct, lifting some kind of weights is important because muscles burn more calories than fat. They will also hold everything in better so you look slimmer. I hope this helps.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Fat never ever on any planet transforms into muscle, fat can shrink or grow, muscle can shirnk or grow, one will never turn into the other.

    For optimum bodyfat reduction eat at a deficit (which will decrease fat deposits), strength train (which will help to preserve lean mass), and rock the cardio (which will help the heart and lungs).
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