Exerpeutic 400XL Folding Recumbent Bike--heart rate?

So, I just got one of these off Amazon and I'm pretty happy with it. It's basic, inexpensive, takes up a small footprint, has a comfortable sitting position and is extremely quiet. I got it so I'd have an indoor alternative to walking when the weather is too cold/wet, or when it's too dark. Have only used it a couple of times but definitely worked up a sweat and could feel my muscles working (and different ones from the ones I use walking).


I've never used a HRM, so I have no frame of reference for this; the handles on either side of the seat have sensors to measure your heart rate during the workout, assuming you are gripping them consistently. If anyone here has one of these machines and also has a separate HRM, have you ever compared the measurements to see how accurate the Exerpeutic's HRM might be?


  • bonjalandoni
    bonjalandoni Posts: 136 Member
    I wouldnt trust those kind of HRMs, they always overestimate your calorie burn. Even in our clinic where we have those supposed to be "high end machines" We never trust them to monitor heart rate. Get a strapped on HRM for a better HR estimation.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Right, I didn't think the monitors on an inexpensive machine like this would be but so accurate, just wondered if anyone had compared it to a real one. I've been using the MFP exercise entries for stationary bike, light or very light effort (I'm starting slow because of my knees). Not really interested in investing in an HRM, just wondering.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It's not clear what you're asking. In terms of measuring your heart rate, I'm sure it's as accurate as anything else. In terms of estimating your calorie burn, I'm equally sure its estimates are as inaccurate as those of other HRMs.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    It's not clear what you're asking. In terms of measuring your heart rate, I'm sure it's as accurate as anything else. In terms of estimating your calorie burn, I'm equally sure its estimates are as inaccurate as those of other HRMs.

    I'm just asking if anyone who has this actual bike has ever compared the built-in HRM to a "proper" chest strap HRM. I'm not trying to use it to calculate calorie burn just yet, but I did wonder about its accuracy since it's my first experience with seeing my heart rate displayed during exercise.