Dropped weight quickly... now have low back/glut pain

Has anyone suffered stabbing low back/glut pain after dropping weight quickly? I am lead to believe it is pretty common. I have just started experiencing this and already, I am over it.


  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    Maybe you can elaborate on what you're doing (nutrition and fitness-wise) that's causing the quick drop in weight? The more information the better.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I am lead to believe it is pretty common.

    It's neither common nor normal. Any stabbing pain should be evaluated by a doctor.
    What exercises were you doing?
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've haven't dropped a lot of weight quickly, but I've been dropping weight consistently and I've found that my body will go through some aches and pains every 20-25 pounds or so. i think it's just my body getting used to a new center of gravity, using muscles differently, etc. BUT - they're not stabbing or sharp pains. Get thee to a doctor!
  • to elaborate... ive dropped 13.5kg (nearly 30lb) in 2 months. I am eating approx. 1200 calories a day along with going to the gym 5 + days a week. I generally spend 1 hour a session at the gym on the cross trainer, that's about it...

    the stabbing pain I speak of is at the base of my back and into my bum. I generally feel soreness through my lower back but the occasional stabbing pain when I twist or turn a certain way...

  • I would agree with the others... get to a doctor. It could be a spinal thing, or it could be nothing. You can't find out without a professional.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    this is most certainly not normal. Do not take chances with your back - get to a doctor.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    to elaborate... ive dropped 13.5kg (nearly 30lb) in 2 months. I am eating approx. 1200 calories a day along with going to the gym 5 + days a week. I generally spend 1 hour a session at the gym on the cross trainer, that's about it...

    the stabbing pain I speak of is at the base of my back and into my bum. I generally feel soreness through my lower back but the occasional stabbing pain when I twist or turn a certain way...


    the stabbing pain you feel is from the life force being slowly drained from your body because of the incredibly low calorie amount you're eating and the and the soreness your brain rejecting the boredom of your all-cardio, all the time workout.

    eat more and after you get the stabbing pain issue resolved (hopefully a medical professional will be involved) consider lifting something heavy in addition to (or in place of) your cardio.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    to elaborate... ive dropped 13.5kg (nearly 30lb) in 2 months. I am eating approx. 1200 calories a day along with going to the gym 5 + days a week. I generally spend 1 hour a session at the gym on the cross trainer, that's about it...

    the stabbing pain I speak of is at the base of my back and into my bum. I generally feel soreness through my lower back but the occasional stabbing pain when I twist or turn a certain way...


    the stabbing pain you feel is from the life force being slowly drained from your body because of the incredibly low calorie amount you're eating and the and the soreness your brain rejecting the boredom of your all-cardio, all the time workout.

    eat more and after you get the stabbing pain issue resolved (hopefully a medical professional will be involved) consider lifting something heavy in addition to (or in place of) your cardio.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    No it's not normal. My kids eat more than you, I think you need to eat a little more.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    1200 is the minimum for females. You're a guy, minimum for men is 1800 calories.
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Could be sciatic nerve pain. Usually on one side of your glute and could shoot down your leg. And yes, you should consume more calories.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    to elaborate... ive dropped 13.5kg (nearly 30lb) in 2 months. I am eating approx. 1200 calories a day along with going to the gym 5 + days a week. I generally spend 1 hour a session at the gym on the cross trainer, that's about it...

    the stabbing pain I speak of is at the base of my back and into my bum. I generally feel soreness through my lower back but the occasional stabbing pain when I twist or turn a certain way...


    the stabbing pain you feel is from the life force being slowly drained from your body because of the incredibly low calorie amount you're eating and the and the soreness your brain rejecting the boredom of your all-cardio, all the time workout.

    eat more and after you get the stabbing pain issue resolved (hopefully a medical professional will be involved) consider lifting something heavy in addition to (or in place of) your cardio.

  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    to elaborate... ive dropped 13.5kg (nearly 30lb) in 2 months. I am eating approx. 1200 calories a day along with going to the gym 5 + days a week. I generally spend 1 hour a session at the gym on the cross trainer, that's about it...

    the stabbing pain I speak of is at the base of my back and into my bum. I generally feel soreness through my lower back but the occasional stabbing pain when I twist or turn a certain way...



    Are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    to elaborate... ive dropped 13.5kg (nearly 30lb) in 2 months. I am eating approx. 1200 calories a day along with going to the gym 5 + days a week. I generally spend 1 hour a session at the gym on the cross trainer, that's about it...

    the stabbing pain I speak of is at the base of my back and into my bum. I generally feel soreness through my lower back but the occasional stabbing pain when I twist or turn a certain way...


    the stabbing pain you feel is from the life force being slowly drained from your body because of the incredibly low calorie amount you're eating and the and the soreness your brain rejecting the boredom of your all-cardio, all the time workout.

    eat more and after you get the stabbing pain issue resolved (hopefully a medical professional will be involved) consider lifting something heavy in addition to (or in place of) your cardio.

    No further input is needed in this thread, folks. This one is over.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Has anyone suffered stabbing low back/glut pain after dropping weight quickly? I am lead to believe it is pretty common. I have just started experiencing this and already, I am over it.

    Wow! I thought that you dropped a weight too quickly and sprained your back!
  • some people are just plain stupid on here...
    I eat properly and exercise safely...
    I am also chat regularly with the instructors at the gym...

    I have seen a doctor and have been give anti inflammatories to hopefully ease the pain.
  • First 30 pounds in 2 months for a guy is NOT losing weight quickly so I wouldn't worry about that, I had some issue with pain
    also and come to find out I actually was tensing up when I was working out and that led to the pain....
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    to elaborate... ive dropped 13.5kg (nearly 30lb) in 2 months. I am eating approx. 1200 calories a day along with going to the gym 5 + days a week. I generally spend 1 hour a session at the gym on the cross trainer, that's about it...

    the stabbing pain I speak of is at the base of my back and into my bum. I generally feel soreness through my lower back but the occasional stabbing pain when I twist or turn a certain way...


    While I am not a Dr. sounds like you may lend them some of your time. Also...Water??? are you drinking PLENTY of water, if not sounds like your kidneys may be requesting that you drink more.
  • some people are just plain stupid on here...
    I eat properly and exercise safely...
    I am also chat regularly with the instructors at the gym...

    I have seen a doctor and have been give anti inflammatories to hopefully ease the pain.
    DavPaul knows his stuff, seriously listen to him. PLEASE listen to him because if you haven't damaged your body (which is sounds like you have) your risk of hurting yourself goes up and up each week you are sticking to that type of program.
    I am really not trying to be a *****, i am just sick of people not listening to sound advice and wrecking their healthy bodies because of it.

    Summary: Eat more food, less cardio, see a doctor or physical therapist.
  • my kidneys are fine... its muscle soreness primarily rather than anything too serious...