Strength Training..Where do I start?

So I've been working out for a while and I've been reading Jillian Michael's new book "Slim for Life" and she talks about doing strength training. I've never really done any strength training. I do almost all cardio. I'm currently taking a spin class and a Zumba class and running (outside when possible). I realize I need to add in strength but can anyone tell me where to start or what to start with? Any help is appreciated!

Thanks :smile:


  • jaznon
    jaznon Posts: 68 Member
    Bump...have been wondering about this as well :)
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Buy the book Starting Strength on Amazon for about $30 and read it cover to cover.
  • amberward560
    Options's free and awesome guides for strength training at home or at the gym.
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    The book New Rules of Lifting for Women.Or Stronglifts 5x5
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Zumba & spin are excellent choices. I recently added weights as `well so I will request u...:flowerforyou:
  • brazillit
    brazillit Posts: 6 Member
    I used to do strength training (using weight machines), but it's been many years. Starting it up again because I need lose weight and strengthen my body.

    Options are to join a gym with machines or do it at home. There are DVD for strength training. Some require weights, ball, and resistance bands. Or you can do bodyweight exercises (using your body to build strength).

    If you know nothing about strength training, try the library. Check out a few books on strength training. More affordable and you can decide if you like the book and buy it. Also try for cheaper books and DVDs.
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    Personally I never bought a book or a dvd. I got tired of just running everyday and hit a plateau. I got a gym membership and just went at it (They really tried to sell me on getting a personal trainer, but I said screw it I'm smart enough to figure it out). Starting out every day I focused on a different area of my body, I just used the weight machines to practice my breathing and form. After I got comfortable (and kinda bored) I started using free weights. In my free time I would google different workouts for different muscle groups and slowly started trying different ones every time I went to the gym. I would write out a weekly workout plan for each muscle group. I started making friends at the gym who introduced me to different ways to lift weights and actually had people telling me if I was doing it correctly and had someone there to motivate me.

    I know not everyone can afford a gym membership and a lot of people think it's silly, but when I'm there I get the most out of my time spent and they have some cool stuff to use (ropes, platforms, kettle bells). I tend to have workout ADD and have to constantly switch up my workouts. I also found some cheap dumb bells to use at home for days I don't feel like going out in public. I eventually got my boyfriend into lifting and we share new workouts together all the time.

    If you can't afford a gym or any weight equipment, use yourself! Your own body weight is a great way to start: planks, tricep dips, push ups, squats, lunges.

    Strength training is a very fulfilling and I love challenging myself. When I started a few months ago I had no upper body strength, I felt like a little weakling. Now I can do things I never thought I could.