Just joined...menopause weight gain



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Welcome, most women gain weight during the menopause years. It's just the realization that you can't eat like you did in your 20's or 30's and get away with it, that's hard to accept. But reality hits and you make your move.

    A calorie is a calorie whether it comes from carrots or cookies, protein, fat or carbs. Forget about all diets you've been on in the past and consider this a life style change. Meaning now you eat less and move more.

    Be patient, you didn't gain 60 pounds overnight, it's going to take time to take it off. Stay within your calorie goal, you'll blow thru it on some days, but make certain that the majority of days you don't. Don't deprive yourself of any certain food, just know that if you have a Big Mac for lunch you're going to be eating very light for dinner. Rid yourself of the chips and other high calorie snack foods, and move to fruits and low fat yogurt for snacks. Two pieces of bread turn into one, a piece of cake is now a sliver, etc. No second helpings, make healthier choices when you can, and when you can't eat less if it.

    Anyway Welcome, and Good luck to you. You can do this.
    Agreed. However many studies show menopausal women have insulin resistance, so taking note of your body's reaction to certain starchier foods, fast burning carbs etc. may help.
  • cheetahrocker88
    Thank you for your words of encouragement, I am not giving up my weight loss has been slow for the month the scale barely moved but I read these posts and they help.
  • cheetahrocker88
    I re read your post and thanks again it helps me. I been having trouble on weekends everything goes out the window. Do you have any tips?
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    Very helpful thread, not feeling so alone! I went from very active (running 25-30 miles a week) in my 40's, to not-as-active due to injury and post-menopausal in my 50's. Now 58, needless to say my weight was up about 25 pounds from my marathon-self!

    I always did watch what I ate and struggle to keep the weight I wanted, and only when I was running high mileage could I really eat as much as I wanted without dire consequences ... I am a lifetime sugar-holic and emotional comfort eater.

    So needless to say, menopause weight gain has been a bummer.

    I LOVED the person above saying that her doctor recommended she feel sorry for herself for just a few moments about "no being able to eat whatever I want," and then -- GET ON WITH IT.

    I can also add for me, that my days of only-running and having the robustness to run off an extra 500 calories a day are OVER. I may get to run a little, but only with great shoes, careful crosstraining, lots of stretching, and strength training on the side. So it's time to stop pouting about that too, and GET ON WITH IT ... walking, elliptical trainer, stretching whenever I think of it, and being grateful for what I can still do with this (still overweight) body.

    Thanks everyone for the inspiration -- and to cheetahrocker88, weekends ARE tough. I get through mine by planning social workouts with friends - walks or walk/runs; by planning to do something special for my self that doesn't involve food, maybe a new book for my e-reader; by planning a special meal that DOES fit in my calorie plan and putting enough work into it that I don't want to eat extras and spoil my appetite; by planning in a soy chai at my favorite coffee shop; bu telling myself I'm sick of sacrificing what I want MOST to get what I want RIGHT NOW.

    Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • triumpet
    triumpet Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I put on 14lb in a year!! Definitely through the menopause now & have started the 4:3 diet, going well so far & my energy levels are on the rise, good luck with what ever you do.
    Once your through all the menopause symtoms you will feel better!
  • cheetahrocker88
    Thank you brightresolve such good advice, I like all of your ideas but walking with a friend sounds good it will get me to exercise on the weekends. Love all the posts on here like I have said before they help when I am going through it, I feel like I forget or don't want to remember how to eat and exercise properly.
  • cheetahrocker88
    Love your post gives me hope that will feel better after menopause symptoms over! Thank you!
  • CryssieFit
    Hello All!


    How has the HRT worked out? I am also gaining about 1-2 lbs a week despite my doubling up on walking exercise and cutting calories back. Currently taking aloe vera juice and yogurt with probiotics to make sure my vitamins are getting the best chance to absorb and be useful. Nothing seems to help! Also got so desperate that I tried a couple of diet pills thinking my system just needed a boost (1 month on Zantrex 3 and 1 month on GCM Pro Garcinia). Neither diet nor exercise is working and I'm gaining more and more weight no matter what. I'm thinking of exploring HRT now.