Why does MFP work for you or Why do you love MFP?



  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    The people are fantastic.

    I come to interact with the people. And even when I've slacked on fitness and food, the fact that I'm on every day reminds me to get my butt in gear again.

    And because boobs.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    I love it because I've found other sarcastic arseholes like myself. And like someone else said, boobs. Who doesn't love boobs?
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Why do I love MFP?

    Tracking calories works for me because it keeps me aware of what I'm eating and how much, MFP makes that simple.
    I've found some great people here that I have on my feed, they're funny, smart and dedicated.
    The forums can be informative, amusing, confusing and sometimes downright irritating, but I love them because it is so much more of the first two than the last two. And it's wonderful to see people's successes and makes me feel less alone when I see other people's struggles.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    i like MFP because its the first thing thats doable that seems to be enabling me to lose weight, and seems like its not going to be temporary.

    why? probably because its fun because i can do it like a budget, maybe coz im an accountant so its on my ladder there,,

    i like to budget my food like i budget my money, haha i like to see how much i got left to spend/eat ;)

    sometimes its kinda boring entering the same foods over and over, but aside from that, its way fun to see the scale go down each week, actually every few days! woo!!!

    thats the best part! I obsess about it for fun - i weigh myself for fun sometimes a few times a day - i like to see the effect food has on me, and i see trends in the kind of food i eat and what time i eat it but its just fun. i do my daily weigh in in the morning.

    anyway, i dont usually have any thing interesting to say on the message boards, i have said everything i could possibly say without repeating, haha but i love seeing the weight go down. AND its fun to post a message and see my weight loss there on the bottom of my message. that number is getting bigger and bigger.. im losing about 10 pounds a month coz im very fat !