Looking for some fitness friends

Hi, my name is Tess. I just went through a crazy series of 4 surgeries for severe head pain. Yeah, stitches come out tomorrow to the back of my head. I am trying hard to bounce back into a healthy lifestyle. I feel like I need some "flubber" from the Absent Minded Professor to get my legs kickin again. Feeling drained after putting my body through these surgeries but thankful God provided a way for me to obtain healing from damaged nerves in my head. But anyway, I am so ready to feel energetic, eat right to drop 10 lbs and exercise to regain some muscle. I want to be a healthy Mom, wife, and friend. I would love to meet some new friends that are also pursuing fitness and weight loss so that we can encourage each other and cheer each other on. I would love to meet new running buddies also. I would one day love to run a half-marathon. So far the most I have run is a 10K. Swapping healthy yummy recipes would also be fun. I love crock pot meals as they often are needed on busy days.


  • Jogger46
    Hi There :-)
    I am inspired by your courage and pray that you have a speedy recovery. Please give yourself time to heal and take it slow because you have lots of time to reach your fitness goals. I am glad that you could have the surgery to correct whatever was culprit. So, stretch and eat well but please give your body time to adjust and heal properly.

    I do brisk walking because I am inconsistant with Jogging now...I'll do well for about a month and stop and then return to power walking (which is great for me). Let you body tell you what is best....listen to your body as I know you have thus the surgery.

    I crock pot almost everything up to and including potato soups, etc.

    I started the site I think 3-4 days ago and I am down 3 pounds already...probably just water weight. I'd like to lose 30 pounds in a healthy way before the new year.

    Take care and rest.

    I am getting ready for my 60 minute power walk :-)