I'm thinking Therapy will be in my future!



  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    And i dont mean to sound mean, i am thinking out loud as I type that.. these are the thoughts I think about when I do what i do.

    I dont want to be fat. Lugging around 200 pounds IS HELL.. it hurts !!! it hurts my feet, my legs, everything,, my back!!! and thats just 200 pounds.

    it sucks to have to squish into clothing. it sucks to worry about getting on a bus to have to wait for a bus that has a seat. I have had to move into a particular apartment in order to be sure to get a seat on a bus (that is at the begining of the bus line). i have had to move into a builidng that has an elevator becuuse i cannont even walk up to the 2nd floor.. thats how being 200 pounds over weight sucks!

    so thats why i talk the way i do.

    but even me losing 48 pounds its gotten better.

    which is why i talked to the OP the way i did. :)

    so do not give up, who wants to live in this fat body with all these pains and aches and limitations the rest of your life.. its no way to live.

    you have to live and eat.. may as well start somewhere and try to have some quality of life.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member

    I feel your pain and sense that this is very scary for you. Part of losing weight has to do with identifying your feelings and emotions when you reach for that bag of Doritos, for example. I find that it helps me to stop and think before I eat something that has a lot of calories and will throw me off my goal.

    I think that therapy would do you some good. They could help provide you with the tools to help you identify some behaviors and emotions that caused you to get to where you are. Most people are afraid to ask for help. KUDOS to you for recognizing that you could benefit from some help.

    Logging is important. Make sure that you are eating enough calories per day. I know some people who only eat one meal a day. Try to eat 3 or 4 meals per day at least. You need to make small changes in order to succeed. You know, like a glass of milk instead of ice cream, a slice of bread instead of a cookie. Nothing big, just small adaptations. Allow yourself to have a snack per day.

    Maybe try to make fitness goals instead of weight loss goals, i e, walk around the block twice a day, increase it next week. Don't even weigh yourself for a month or two. Focus on getting fit.

    Lastly put your 3 top reasons for making these changes and tape it to your refrigerator to help remind you why you want this.

    I believe in you and am ready to read your success story.
  • HottelCC
    First, I am a strong proponent of counselling. I used it a few times in my life when I have had to cope with major change. I have yet to be able to figure out why it works for me, but it does.

    You are already successful because you keep trying and that is important. I am just beginning this battle, but I did quit smoking 13 years ago. I had smoked for 33 years and up to 3 packs a day. I tried a number of times and never got further than a day because the thought of NEVER having a cigarette again and giving up something that was such a "friend" to me through happiness and sadness, was depressing and overwhelming. I finally quit cold turkey, but ironically, I first had to give myself permission to smoke. I did not take it day by day, I took it minute and seconds at a time. I created a self-talk every time I craved a cigarette (that I still after 13 years sometimes have to use) and it went like this, "You are an adult who can make her own decisions. If you want a cigarette, you can have one. You just can't have this one!"

    If it were me, a goal of 500 lbs. would seem overwhelming and I would be depressed. But losing 500 lbs. shouldn't be your goal. Your goal should be a healthier, happier you. Why not set a goal of 5% - 10% of your weight to lose. Experts say that a 10% loss goes a long way toward better health. The other good thing about that is when you reach your goal, 5% - 10% will be less when you decide to continue. If you go to grab that candy, bowl of ice cream, or second helping, tell yourself that if you really want it, you can have it, but your won't have it this time. Take a drink of water or do something else.

    I have started at 232. My current goal is 23 lbs. My BMI will still be too high at 39, but mentally, I can't think about having to lose 115 lbs, but 23 I can do! I think you can, too!
  • sushpandey
    sushpandey Posts: 20 Member
    hi sweet heart, you are going in right direction, communication is the key to solving any issue. we can talk on MFP platform and trust me we are non judgemental. life is not an easy sail for you. its ok to keep talking and giving yourself time and pace. firstly my heartfelt congratulations for being so honest and brave to write all this. now smile honey and start afresh. you have the best reason in the world to do this and that is your daughter. start slowly, set realistic goals and keep increasing. but please no going back. you can do it, you will do it and trust me you will get where you want to be. just some dedication, devotion and determination. and lots of support from all MFP and lots of love and good luck from me. take care. God bless.