Hello Everyone :)!

Hey, My name is Caitlin, Im 20 years old from scotland and this is the first time ive come across this, i didnt know you could make friends with this app haha! So.. hey :)

I am currently turning my diet and fitness regime upside down because i had a little freak out in ASDA when i tried a size 18 jeans on and they didnt fit me. Now im not saying that a sie 18 is anything to be ashamed of, but i knew that it wasnt for me anymore and so here i am back on my MFP app recording my new healthy eating regime and thought what better way to lose weight than to lose weight with friends who are also losing weight :) so! If ya fancy, add me and chat away and lets get motivated :)

Ive been going to spin classes a LOT recently, i really love them and after having a hard time finding something i loved after quitting taekwondo (I trained for seven years and was a size 10) so the weight just piled on me because of course, i ate the same amount as i did when i was training soooo yup. It needs to come off again :)

Add away and chat away if ya fancy! :) x
