Lifting: Full Body Workouts--> Have any?



  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If you want to lift 4 days in a row, I would recommend Jillian Michaels' videos. They're great beginner workouts but you can make them harder and you definitely can do them everyday. I really liked 30 Day Shred and No More Trouble Zones. I saw great progress in my muscles with NMTZ in just a couple weeks (inner thighs, hello!) and you can really gauge your progress on how much easier it gets to do the videos as time goes on.

    A lot of is body weight exercises but all the arm stuff you use dumbbells. So not sure if you want JUST lifting, but overall I found it to be great for strength training and will be incorporating these videos into my routine again.
  • If you're willing to make the investment for home workouts, I highly recommend BodyBeast. I know it's NOT a starter program and it's really hard, but I LOVE IT. It's expensive, and you have to buy weights for home but it's worth every penny. It has shaped my body and taken me from a cardio junkie to a lifter. On the Beachbody site they do have "Lucky 7" in the BodyBeast section, which is a total body workout for $19.95, plus tax and shipping. All you'll need with it is an easy bar so you can make a small investment vs. a bigger one by buying the whole program.
  • juiletflt
    juiletflt Posts: 159
    I've been using the Beautiful Badass program and love it. Each day has 1-2 lower body exercises, 1-2 upper body exercises, and core work.

    Also, I picked this one because after you do the beginner program you have about 19 different options of workouts depending on what you want to do. It also comes with a manual discussing the workout plan as a whole and links to her private youtube channel with demonstrations on how to properly perform lifts. She also gives you her contact info if you have questions.