I'm just not satisfied any more........



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    is there another area of your life where you aren't getting satisfaction and you may not realize it? Maybe you think it's one thing that is easier to satisfy, when it's actually something else.

    Work? Home? Personal projects? Creativity? Intimacy? Social interaction?

    Just a thought.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    When I feel like that, I always go for protein! Sometimes protein fat combo...peanut butter or almonds are good. Or a glass of whole milk. Otherwise I may just keep munching to stave off that feeling that I need to munch. PROTEIN!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You're still hungry after you eat? Or you just weren't happy with the meal?

    If you are still hungry, then you might consider upping your fat intake. A little peanut butter every day could easily fix this.

    If you just aren't satisfied with your meals, then I would say that it is psychosomatic.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    I have started engaging my family and have pretty much started doing at least two new recipes a week - one meal and one healthy "treat". We figure out what we are really craving and then find a "healthified" version of it or create our own healthified version of It. It has been super fun and keeps me motivated. I have found an incredible joy in feeding family food they love all the while it being healthy.
  • renatewolfe
    renatewolfe Posts: 91 Member
    I have only been at this a month, and I have had those days. On Monday, I made a big pot of Chicken Tortilla Soup, which was healthy, but tasted so good that I ate three servings and had to have PB and toast with it! I froze the rest ASAP, LOL! Next time I make it, I'll freeze it immediately! What works best for me is making a really tasty dinner, high in protein to keep me satisfied longer, but making enough for just the two of us at home, so that I don't have left overs to tempt me. Then I drink a hot cup of tea, hot water with lemon, or diet hot cocoa (one of the few "diet" foods I actually buy).
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    In the past I've gone for a bit of cardio to 'buy' the calories for something I've been craving.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I don't know how tall you are or how active but I am a 5'6" woman and I eat more calories than you. I average between 1800-2000 with some high and some low days, but mostly in that range. I would question whether you're eating enough. You might want to do one of the TDEE calculators and see how those numbers stack up compared to what you're doing. Your profile pic shows someone doing martial arts of some form and if you're still doing that regularly or other very active exercises you'll need to account for that. Just something to consider.

    Yes, I do Aikido twice a week. The picture is of my soon (in the middle) being thrown by my friend from Belgium (on the left) and me I the background. its great fun and we both enjoy it. My calories are so low because I spend most of my days driving or at a desk so my activity level is set to Sedentary. Consequently I log every scrap of exercise I can and eat back the calories. I haven't calculated my TDEE before so it will be a reasonable thing to do. Thanks!
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    With your protein levels so low its understandable. MFP has them set really low, for that reason that should be hitting or exceeding those grams per day. And they have carbs set really high, they will make you crave food. So btw the two thats enough to explain everything

    This is something I hadn't considered. I know I am often low on protein, so rather than hitting the crap foods I could throw some eggs in a pan. Unfortunately peanut butter is not going to work for me - the smell alone makes me gag and retch! I shall adjust my settings also. Thanks!