Baker's Cyst experiences

Yes I already did a search for the topic and read the various threads, but I'm still a little freaked out.

I was pretty sure I had DVT and was going to die this week (I love to self diagnose lol). Turns out after an ultrasound I have a baker's cyst. But it seems like all the symptoms described are pain in the back of the knee but honestly that's not my problem area anymore. I'm thinking maybe it burst? All my pain is in my calf...which feels like a constant soreness similar to how you would feel the next day if you trained your calves really hardcore lol. Also the swelling in my leg down into my ankle is ridiculous - I have had cankles for several days and it's quite frankly unnerving.

Note that I had ACL repair on this knee in April, am in the home stretch of being released and now this crap happens. But if you have had a baker's cyst, did anyone have any swelling and pain into calves and ankles? UGH

Thank you so much in advance for your help!