Calorie Consumption question

Hi all.

I'm in Uni and all and I've been losing weight for slightly over a year now.
But since I'm back to uni life and sleeping later due to workload and all I've found that I've been eating less food from time to time.
Like say yesterday I think I consumed like 1400 calories but I only managed to scrape like 900 today.

Is this bad? Like would it slow down my metabolism by a fair amount and slow down my weight loss?
Would I need to eat more food tomorrow to compensate for my lower consumption today?



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The body goes through cycles. There are times I, too, simply don't feel like eating as much. As long as the long term intake is appropriate, there's nothing wrong with deviations - even large deviations - in the short term.
  • in the short term it would be ok, over and under consumptions on the odd days will not do much damage but if you were to continue to eat only 900 or so kcal a day then you'll find it's a lot harder to lose weight as your body will hold onto the fat it has and you will start to lose muscle as your body breaks it down for energy. essentially your body will be in starvation mode and you'll probably start feeling unwell, not to mention you'll probably be deficient in other nutrients.

    i know it's hard but try get into a routine of eating regularly through the day and if you really arent hungry, blandish foods like cereal, toast, milk etc may be easier to stomach and it'll give you those calories

    but for now, don't worry, dont feel you need to overeat tomorrow to compensate just try and get into a routine of eating meals :)