Getting 8 or more fruits/veggies? Tell me more...



  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I have targeted 5 a day for years, and am working to increase that. What kind of mix do you eat. More fruits? more veggies? equal split? double servings at a time? what does your day look like in terms of when and what you eat to get them all in?

    I don't have a sweet tooth and avoid fruit because of it. I eat two pieces of fruit a day. The rest I fill in with vegetables.....lots of them.
    For example yesterday I ate with my main meal 248 grs/7.5 oz of Ratatouille, 300grs/10oz of steamed cauliflower plus 300 grs/10 oz of stewed tomatoes. I eat seasonal veggies ( which I luckily can get within 24 hours of harvest ) and plan my meals based on vegetables and then add protein and other things. I have always eaten like this, except that in my " fat days " I also ate about 2-3 cups of pasta or rice with my main meal. I have quit doing that and am losing at a sustainable rate.
  • windra06
    windra06 Posts: 50 Member
    It depends on whether I'm having soup or salad for lunch but sometimes I end up eating 10-12 different veggies a day.

    A high veg day looks like:
    Breakfast: Frozen fruit (mix of cherries,strawberry,blueberries,peach) with 0% greek yoghurt.

    Lunch: Salad (tomatoes,rocket,spinach,cucumber,cress,roasted red pepper,sun dried tomatoes,spring onions,fennel,beetroot,roasted squash,grated carrot,coriander) not always all of those but most of them, with a protein source + light vinegerette.

    Dinner: Protein (fish,chicken recipie) with steamed veg usually carrots(home grown at the moment),cabbage,peas,sweetcorn,broccoli,cauliflower,asparagus.

    I dont eat this every day, but I include at least 3-4 veg in each main meal, plus breakfasts and snacks.
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    A standard day for me:

    Breakfast: banana, sometimes berries
    Lunch: salad/veggie wrap/something with avocado
    Snacks: apple, carrots with hummus
    Dinner: veggies (probably 3-4 times a week my dinner is literally 1/2 cup onion, 1 cup bell pepper, 1 zucchini, 1/2 small eggplant, and 5 mushrooms, pan fried and then I eat it with some goat cheese)