Thank You

I just wanted to say thank you to the members of MFP and my friends on my profile for inspiring me to be 100% honest in my diary about what I'm eating regardless of the fact that's bad or good. I had planned to not even bother logging my food when I go away for vacation this weekend because I have NO idea how I'm going to fare away from my faithful at-home routine (which helped me drop 14 lbs!). I know there's going to be a bad meal or two over the course of the weekend, but with the help of my friends I've decided to log it no matter what.

I realize the journal is there to help keep us accountable for what we eat, but even more our friends who are there to support us through! So I'm glad I learned this and I look forward to keeping up my log regardless of what comes! Therefore, I can pass on this advice to others who might be starting out - don't stop logging even if you have a bad day (or two, or three!). I think the upside is that you can look back and see where you did damage and use it to help you bounce back. Or maybe to explain why a pound came back on, or fell off! ;)

And who knows? Maybe knowing that I have to log my food will help me pick the best of the worse during my meals out. So thanks guys, I don't know what I would do without you. Seeing you be so honest about what you put in your journals (and I've seen some scary stuff, hehe) gives me the courage to do the same whether I do good or bad! :)


  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    I think this is awesome! :) I feel the same way about why I post everything. This weekend I have a wedding to go too, and I have a cookout with my family. This could be a bad weekend. But I,like you, plan on posting everything. It helps me realize how much I am eating, so I don't over eat, plus helps me pick the better stuff then the unhealthly stuff.

    Right back at you, "Thank you!"
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Actually I think you were the original person that inspired me, lol ;)
    Then I realize more and more people do it, so I have no excuses now! Good luck with your food choices this weekend, I'll keep an eye on you and you better keep an eye on me too!! :D