Low energy, High appetite

Hi all,

I've been working out a lot lately (I do INSANITY as well as train for a half marathon). It's really taken it's toll on me, I'm feeling so bogged down. Not to mention the last three days I've gone over my calorie limit and just ate a 400 calorie breakfast :( What do you do when you physically feel too blah to work out but know you have to? How do you get the energy?


  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    When I did Insanity (which I dreaded almost every single day) 2 things got me through it. 1) I would tell myself that I would just do the warm up, stretches & then the 1st drill. Never failed that I would end up doing the entire workout. 2) I post my workouts a month at a time on my fridge & cross them out as I do them. I am a person who loves to cross things off of lists, etc so to be able to put a big X over a day on the fridge was satisfying.

    Also, when I feel like I just don't have energy (for 2 or more days), crave junk more often, not burning as many calories during my workouts, etc....then it's time for me to re-examine my daily calorie goals & protein/carb ratios. Insanity & running are 2 activities that take alot of calories & more carbs than say, p90x. My husband runs & he can feel it when he needs to increase his carbs/calories.

    I also have added in short 20 minute yoga sessions everyday after my workouts. I am amazed at the difference I feel....more relaxed, yet energized...if that can even possibly make sense? (btw, I eat a 375-400 calorie breakfast almost everyday!)
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    Whats Insanity??
  • jnoegrah
    jnoegrah Posts: 119 Member
    Insanity is a beach body workout, thats super intense cardio.

    Are you getting enough sleep? I find that that affects me most...

    When i do feel blah, i'll have a pure protein bar and take a (max) power nap! Listen to some hard rock and get pumped... that gets me motivated.
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Thanks a lot, BiloxiBelle. That makes me feel a lot better. I haven't been eating crazy amounts of food, but i have been craving peanut butter like none other (probably for the carbs and protein). I have been trying to follow a very low calorie diet, around 1000 calories. So this is probably what is wrong and i need to allow myself a few hundred more calories. Thanks for the advice!

    Amy, INSANITY is a home workout program developed by Shaun T. who is a former professional track athlete. It's been dubbed the most extreme home workout program on DVD. Definitely kicks my butt!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Ya know, I can't believe I'm even going to admit this but....I also repeat a few of the mantras from p90x in my head (probably on a daily basis :blushing: ) "Just show up & keep pressing play", "Do your best & forget the rest", "Bring it"....I don't know why but I swear these dorky sayings help pump me up...or at least get me to go to my workout room & put the dvd in!! :wink:
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    1000 calories is ridiculously low for a high intensity workout, if you dont fuel your body youll just stop running,like a car. You dont want to crash and burn hun,get somemore food in you!x
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Thanks for all the motivation everyone! the p90x mantras actually are helpful lol. If I'm not feeling totally motivated, as long as i do my best it's easy to forget the rest. every day isn't a blah day, so tomorrow will be better!

    I'm in my recovery week of insanity and have been bored out of my mind with core cardio and balance! I felt really guilty about eating such a big breakfast, but after a while, i decided to try my workout again--except i put in pure cardio lol. Eating a little more than usual for breakfast and doing a different workout really gave me some energy. i feel a bit better now!

    I know, 1,000 calories is really low, but i only have about 9 lbs to lose so i really kinda wanted to get it off quickly. but i also think that's why i've been compelled to eat like crap the last couple of days, ultimately leading me to lose weight even slower!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I know how you feel about losing the small amount....I have around 3-4 lbs left to go, but if you dont eat your body may go into starvation mode and all your hard work will be lost.
    Just keep up the good work, eat well, and soon you'll be where you want to be :D, you can do it,x
  • elipticallover
    more calories (healthy carbs and proteins... and fat!) are most likely the answer here... if you eat more you will have more energy to put into your workouts, and will be less likely to binge on random junk.... you metabolism will increase and you will loose more weight... without enough calories your body will break down the muscles you are working so hard... leaving you bruned out... I am not an "expert" but I know you need more fuel as has been mentioned above... :) I know it feels like more calories will slow down the weight loss... and it may a bit... but you will feel a 100x better. good luck! ps. 400 calories for bfast is my norm and a good place to start!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Im currently doing 30 day shred as well as my regular 6 days/week gym session/walking into work and back. I usually have a small glass of smoothie before shred in the morn now alongside my usual breakfast (which=279 cals pre smoothie), and this gives me a good start to the day. I usually have a larger carb based lunch and a smaller protein/veg based dinner. It gives me great energy for my workouts, and if I don't eat enough I feel rubbish. Last week I started the shred and made sure I ate some of my exercise calories, and I lost 2lbs.