I feel like I'm not loosing any weight

So both my mum and I are trying to lose weight. I'm nineteen, 163 cm and 69 kg. Not tremendously overweight but I have put on about 12 kg over the past two and a half years mainly from medications but also lifestyle changes and bad choices. My BMI says I am now overweight.

I eat well, fruits veggies lean meats- mainly fish. I have lentils and spinach to boost my iron. I don't eat many fatty foods, carbs or sugars. I treat myself occasionally, but rarely. Maybe once a week.

As far as exercise goes I walk the dog 4-5 times a week for approx an hour, and do pilates via youtube and hatha yoga once a week. I've had some health problems (pelvic pain) which hasn't been completely resolved and it impacts on my exercise. Also since I'm in Australia, it's getting hot. Then when it cools down, it's dark. Maybe I'm just making excuses.

Either way, there has been no differences in my waist/thigh measurements and virtually no loss of weight on the scale. I'm a student with a job so I get hungry and I need fuel to concentrate and I just don't always have a whole lot of time to do tremendously long work outs and I can't afford the gym anymore. I bring food from home since uni food is mainly junky but I'm struggling.

Mum on the other hand is around the same height as me but weighs around 15 kg more. She's losing lots of weight by eating similar foods as me (probably less though), however with no exercise. Seeing her lose so much weight is tremendously exciting and I support her fully but I can't help but feel disappointed and disheartened that I haven't seen any weight loss for me over the past few months.

I was hoping that maybe some feedback and suggestions from others might give me some push or open my eyes to something I've been doing wrong. I'm trying for a 1200-1500 calorie day. Any inspirational stories would be awesome.

Thanks guys


  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Weight loss comes primarily from eating fewer calories than you use each day. Just eating healthy wont make you lose weight, are you counting calories every day and logging it? Your diary isn't open, if it was, people could offer suggestions.

    Edited to add: exercise is important for health and fitness, but the major factor in weight loss is your eating habits. The general consensus is that weight loss is 80% about food. 20% exercise. (I've seen some people say 90/10)