Favourite non-traditional breakfast foods?



  • hmgarcia83
    hmgarcia83 Posts: 45 Member
    6oz greek yogurt (1/2 cup roughly) 1/4 oats and 1/4 fruit put in fridge over night up to three days so it is ready
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Used to be partial to cold left over curry on toast in the morning after a curry night. But as I always used to go for the ones with the creamy sauces I haven't done it for a while
  • I like to eat leftovers for breakfast - but only when no one is looking!! Otherwise, oatmeal. I do not care for "traditional" breakfast pastries, muffins, pancakes...
  • Skip it and break your fast around lunch time. Who says you need breakfast anyways? I usually will have just coffee, or tea, a lot of water. I usually fast for 16hrs and eat all my meals within an 8hr window.

    I've been doing intermittent fasting for a couple of months with great results. I've dropped a ton of body fat with added muscle mass.

  • I like to eat leftovers for breakfast - but only when no one is looking!! Otherwise, oatmeal. I do not care for "traditional" breakfast pastries, muffins, pancakes...

    Me, too! But the leftovers I would get into are probably not always healthy choices! ;) But agreed, muffins, bagels, fruut cups, etc are not my cup of tea for breakfast either.
  • couchbunny
    couchbunny Posts: 11 Member
    My favorite breakfast right now is an apple, sliced in half with the seeds scooped out and the hollow filled with peanut butter (1 Tbsp each half) and granola (1 Tbsp each half). It's fast, filling, and tasty! Not too hard to eat on the go either.

    That would have to be fake PB on my part, since I am allergic to the real thing. ;)

    Almond butter? Cashew butter? Any nut butter would probably work. Unless you're allergic to all nuts, in which case... I've got nothing.