Ugh! I'm dissappointed in myself :(

I have been doing SO good watching what I eat and staying in my calories range. Exercising 6 days a week, just 30-40 min a day, and taking walks at lunch. But I have been falling behind on all of it!! I still log in my exercise which lately is only maybe 3 days a week and not my cardio or strenght training, but just walking at lunch, which is still good. But I have about 10 more lbs to lose to feel comfortable in my skin again. My biggest problem is my food intake, I'm not as careful what I eat but am with how much. Since it's summer we are always going away on the weekends, and just eat whatever is really simple, not fast food, but just hot dogs or other simple things like that. Then there is the alcohol, I love a nice icy cold beer and I just love wine. And I know that is the worst enemy to me, because once I have 1 I want another and so on. And when you are out with all your friends and family and they are having beer or wine or whatever, I want that too. My husband is supportive and instead of offering me a beer he just asked if I would like a taste, which satisfies me and I appreciate it. Anyway, I'm just so dissappointed in myself, because I am slipping, and after logging my food from yesterday, I'm scared I'm going to gain the 24 lbs I've already lost back :( so I'm just whining.....


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I know it is hard. But you need to think of all the hard work you have done to loose the 24lbs, you dont want to gain it all back. You need to replace the food with something else you would enjoy. Maybe take a new class or take up a hobby. Hang in there you can do it, Just dont give up
  • lucy568
    lucy568 Posts: 5 Member
    I've had a day like that today tbh :( It is okay to have a treat once in a while just when you go away on weekends and stuff, take some prepared stuff with you like i know that you can get prepared salads and things and theres a hell of a lot more nutrients in that than a hot dog! just make some changes, for instance you can get low calorie beer. its just all about choosing the healthier, lighter option :) xxx
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    You've done great with your weight loss. Summer will soon be more bbq's!:bigsmile: