
I dont know whats going on with me, but lately (two weeks) Im not that hungry...I rarely crave chicken, salads, etc. (stuff that I always have) I just eat fruit with my toast in the am, and then at lunch the only thing i Crave is fiber one cereal with fruit on it. I mean, dont wanna make it a habit , but why should i eat what i am not craving? Im kind of in a food rut, just not hungry. I do feel lighter, and am shedding the lbs slowly, but i really dont feel hungry. Hopefully its just a phase, just wish i had my apettitite back like i used to. Like craving lunch! Chicken, Fish, Tuna, etc..JUST VENTING !! thanks ! have a greeaaat weekend!


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    For one, having looked at your food diary, you're not eating enough so your metabolism has slowed itself down to conserve energy and that's why you're not feeling hungry. How much you're NOT eating will also account for why your weight loss is slow slow. Read the following article and it will explain a lot. Your body needs at least 1200 calories a day to function properly and maintain a healthy metabolism.

    Also, don't take this the wrong way, but if your avatar is what you look like currently, you need to stop losing weight; you're too skinny and you're body is going to start metabolising muscle because it's not getting enough nutrients/fat to survive. Please take care of yourself!

  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    I dont know whats going on with me, but lately (two weeks) Im not that hungry...I rarely crave chicken, salads, etc. (stuff that I always have) I just eat fruit with my toast in the am, and then at lunch the only thing i Crave is fiber one cereal with fruit on it. I mean, dont wanna make it a habit , but why should i eat what i am not craving? Im kind of in a food rut, just not hungry. I do feel lighter, and am shedding the lbs slowly, but i really dont feel hungry. Hopefully its just a phase, just wish i had my apettitite back like i used to. Like craving lunch! Chicken, Fish, Tuna, etc..JUST VENTING !! thanks ! have a greeaaat weekend!

    This is my first post, but hopefully I can help!
    When you say "lately," do you mean the past couple of days, on and off, or this has been going on for a little while?
    I can certainly relate to this... take today for example: I've only eaten cereal and I'm working on a can of tuna for lunch.

    I'm not a nutritionist, but I can speak for my research and experience. I've found that from not eating at all, I don't really seem to lose as much weight as when I am consistent... Obviously, when I eat far more than I should I either sustain or put on weight. Do keep in mind that I exercise heavily throughout the week and my body fat percentage is higher so it's easier for me to lose weight. I've also found that I am hungrier after any workout, no matter the time of day.
    Do you see any sort of correlation between your appetite and daily physical activity? Having tracked my appetite the past few weeks I have also found that the day following a heavy workout, I am quite hungry... but days (like today) where I have done absolutely nothing in the past couple of days and to this point I don't have much of an appetite for anything.

    If you search on Google: "Exercise and hunger," a few articles will appear that may help you out.

    Again, not professional words but just things that I've found in my experience. I hope ANYTHING I've said helps you.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I agree with the first responder, I looked at your diary and you are not getting nearly enough calories. You don't have to eat more food in quantity but why not try eating more calorie dense food such as nuts, seeds, nut butters, avocado. Add olive oil in sauces or on your salad. Also for your milk if you drink skim up it to 1%, if you drink 1% up it to 2%, this will add calories to your diet without having to eat anymore than you already are. It is about what you eat not how much (the what referencing calorie density, and how much would be the size of your meals)
  • nikki4ever
    nikki4ever Posts: 116
    Thanks for all your responses!! it helped me alot!