Thanksgiving for one?

tenilleless Posts: 88 Member
Hiya. I'm spending Thanksgiving alone for the first time this year (Its on October 14th here in Canada). I was wondering if anyone knew any small festive recipes I could make without the hassle of doing up a full turkey. There is a 75% chance that my well meaning Dad will want to video call me during their supper and I don't want to be sitting there on one side of the screen with a bowl of Kraft Dinner and have them on the other side with a giant meal done out. I'm not big on cranberry or mustard pickles.

I love to cook so its alright if its a little labour intensive, I just don't want to end up with wayyyy too many leftovers. :D

Thanks <3


  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    You might want to check the hot food/deli section in your local grocery stores. The ones near me sell roasted turkey breasts or small whole roasted chickens that might be more effective for you. Then you could focus on making some really good small side dishes to go with, vegetables, etc. Then you wouldn't have tons of leftovers lingering about.
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    ^^ her idea of just buying a roasted mini chicken is a good idea. OR since you said you like to cook, instead of roasting an actual turkey, roast up a chicken/turkey breast, or drumstick or whatever pieces you like best and roast em up. You could still make a little bit of gravy, and make some yummy vegetable dishes.

    Happy early thanksgiving! :)
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    a small cornish hen perhaps, or even a whole chicken and roast it or throw it in the slow cooker. freeze the rest in portions to add to other recipes. then make a gravy with some veggies and a few servings of stuffing
  • buffywhitney
    buffywhitney Posts: 172 Member
    I have been alone for the past few holidays and decided I am going to make my turkey anyhow. Turkey is so versatile and healthy. Just get a small one or breast only, create your holiday meal and freeze the rest. Happy Thanksgiving Canada!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    You can buy just a turkey breast. You'll still have leftovers though.
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    Since you like to cook but I'm sure you don"t want the hassle of preparing a whole turkey, think about roasting a turkey breast or thigh and drumstick. Check around at your stores to see who sells turkey parts. Or buy a whole (fresh, not frozen) turkey, cut the pcs. apart like a chicken (maybe the butcher would do that for you) wrap and freeze some and cook the rest. Make small portions of the sides you like best. You'll be glad you cooked and have a few leftovers to enjoy later. And you'll have the rest of the turkey to cook when you're ready for more. A roasted chicken would be good in place of the turkey too.

    Check the internet for info on cooking a cut-up turkey. I've seen it done on several of the cooking shows. It sure saves a lot of hassle, and you can remove the white meat before it dries out and leave the rest to finish cooking.

    Sorry you'll be alone, Try to have a good time anyways and think about inviting someone else who will be alone for the holiday!!!