Hey there everyone

I'm Shelby and I'm 22.

I got engage yesterday and realized that at some point in the future I'm going to have to squeeze my (admittedly large) body into a wedding dress.

This is really the moment that told me I needed to change but it's been a long time coming. I lost a ton of weight about ten years ago, but it's slowly all come back and then some.

Any advice anyone can give me would be great, or any mentoring at all. The last time the main person to help me was my mother, but now that I no longer live at home she is not really a viable option to watch how much I'm snacking but I digress.

Lovely to meet you all. :)


  • TeamDale54
    Log your good and exercise honestly ever day. Work to eat healthy and end each day with calories left over. That is what worked for me to take off 39 pounds. If I can lose weight, anyone can.
  • kaylarunshappy
    I added you :]

    I think the biggest thing for me is just to be honest with myself. My body knows what I ate and it's important to record and log everything so I can make future changes.
  • Jaymestar
    Jaymestar Posts: 29 Member
    Sent you a request. :) Let's help each other out to lose weight! Congrats on your engagement :)
  • TheTruthAtAnyCost
    TheTruthAtAnyCost Posts: 52 Member
    Log your good and exercise honestly ever day. Work to eat healthy and end each day with calories left over. That is what worked for me to take off 39 pounds. If I can lose weight, anyone can.

    That's a fantastic achievement. Good for you!
  • mg_89
    mg_89 Posts: 189 Member
    Congrats on your engagement :)

    You can do it! Good luck to us both!

  • Jericha1992
    Jericha1992 Posts: 80 Member
    I agree with what others have said... just logging my calories in MFP has made a world of difference.

    Also, MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE! It's easy to underestimate how many calories you are eating. I have a $7 food scale, and it has been a godsend, as well as my trusty measuring cups. They also help me to realize how much more I'd been eating, as opposed to what I should be eating.

    Freezer meals and pre-made snacks also work well for me. If I spend Saturday making a few big dishes, stashing them in tupperware, and labeling each of them with their calories, it a) saves me time during the week and b) makes it easy to control my portions. Same thing with baggies of fruits and veggies.

    Learn to love exercise! I don't know about you, but I HATED gym class in high school, so I was always reluctant to exercise on my own. Now that I've begun, I can't stop! I think it's because in school, everyone was graded on the same scale. Couldn't do a mile in under 13 minutes? You flunk (I never passed the mile, btw). However, when I'm on the treadmill or the elliptical, I can go at my own pace, and track my improvement against MYSELF, not the football team. It's just great.

    Chocolate is another killer for me. To account for the fact that I WILL have cravings, I keep around very small portions of delicious treats (80 calorie Halloween packs of muddy buddies and 70 calorie fudge pops). This way, I can fit it into my calories, continue to lose weight, and the people around me aren't frightened by my raging chocolate-less fit. You can do this for any favorite junk food, of course.

    And of course, when you're feeling down, scour the message boards on My Fitness Pal! Lots of support.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Congratulations on your engagement, and best of luck on your weight loss journey! :)
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    Know your goal, stick to it,
    You will be glad you did.