Exercise ideas? Deadlines? Help??

NoMeat101 Posts: 20
edited February 5 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so I've been wanting a "flat stomach" for years now, but you know, life happens, and so does being lazy...! Anyways, this is it, I have to do it now or I'll never get around to it.

Firstly, should I be setting myself a deadline? Like, I want to lose X amount of weight by such & such time? (I'm thinking 15-20lb by Thanksgiving..)

Second, exercise... I'm incredibly lazy, and I don't like working out. That's my biggest problem. I bought myself an exercise bike so that I can ride & watch TV. I've been doing that often, really feeling the ache in my legs too. I started riding it in intervals, 2 mins slow 30 sec fast, and repeating that a couple of times. I like it cause I can still do that while watching TV, works for me. I only started doing this the other day, so every 2nd day I do the riding interval training, and on the other days I started doing a circuit thing, which is 20 body weight squats, 10 push ups, 20 lunges, 10 dumbell rows, 15 sec plank & 30 jumping jacks then repeat another one or two times. I did this on the first day, interval rode the 2nd day, third day did the circuit again but was in so much pain I could only do one round of it & could barely do a push up.

As soon as I feel that pain, I give up on working out.... I'm terrible at overcoming that part.

As for my diet, I'm a vegetarian & gluten free, I eat pretty well. I have gluten free honey nut chex (so yummy!) & soy milk for breakfast, then my meals I make/eat are usually a fried egg in lettuce with ketchup & cheese, a bowl of vegetables (corn, peas, carrots & beans) with a bit of cheese on top, rice & broccoli with cheese, and a salad. I'm a simple eater so I just rotate through those meals through the week. Oh, also banana smoothies with spinach & a spoon of coconut oil, in soy milk.

So I think I eat pretty well. I lost 28lb since I went gluten free at the beginning of the year - but it's been totally unnoticeable. I don't know where that weight disappeared from. My stomach is still there, looking exactly the same.

Right now I weigh around 142-144lb, it fluctuates all over the place daily. I'd like to loose around 15-20lb, although really I don't care what the scale says, I just want it based on looks/how I feel rather than what a number tells me. But I'm definitely no where near.

If I continue the workout I've just started, will it do me any good? Will it be fast enough or very slow? I get very discouraged by not seeing results in the first week...

Help :(


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I wouldn't set a deadline.

    You might want to consider a routine based more on strength like the one at the site below:

    If you have access to a gym, then I'd suggest a program like:
    Stronglifts 5x5
    New Rules of Lifting for Women
  • I might give that one a try. I've been wanting to buy some dumbells as well.

    I do have access to a gym on campus.... But I have pretty bad anxiety and working out around people falls under the anxiety stuff. Can't do it. Have to do it all at home. Maybe in the long run I'll eventually lose weight & have more confidence to go to a gym but right now, no chance.
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