Are carbs really THAT bad?

I know this has probably been done to death, and yes, I understand all the biology and how refined carbs are metabolized into simple sugars and things like that.

That said, carbs are the ONLY nutrient I regularly go over, and not by much (20-30 or so at ABSOLUTE most, usually more like 5 or 10). My diet is also rich in protein so it's not like all I'm eating is bread and pasta. As a vegetarian, I [have to] eat a wide variety of foods to eat a balanced diet.

So, all things considered, are a "few" too many carbs really going to stand in my way?


  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    No. As a vegetarian, you are getting a lot of those carbs from fruits and veggies, so if you are getting the rest from whole grains you should be fine. Now, if all of your carbs were table sugar or HFCS, then I'd say to cut them. But with healthy carbs, that few over isn't going to hurt you. In fact, some people do better on high carb diets. Personally, I eat 70% carbs, 15% protein, and 15% fat and with my normal intake that puts me between 300 and 400 grams of carbs per day depending on how much I have to add back in for exercise. I've lost 5 pounds in the last month, so obviously it works for me. Everyone is different, so go with how many carbs work for your lifestyle and weight loss. It's a big game of trial and error for most people to figure the exact amount they need of any nutrient. And when they think they have it figured out, the body gets use to it and you may have to change it again. ;)