Video games

apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
Do you play any? If so, what's your favorite?


  • HeyImMarcus
    The games i really only play are Left 4 dead 2 , Call of duty , Tekken and Gta v
  • AestheticStar
    AestheticStar Posts: 447 Member
    I occasionally do. I like shooter games, like Call Of Duty, Max Payne 3, etc, at least on the XBOX. And then games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill,.. scary type games.
    I still play "Dance Dance Revolution" on the PS2, even though it's a dorky game, but it's fun. Lol.
  • Mitzki5
    Mitzki5 Posts: 482 Member
    When I get a chance to play, it is usually COD and Black Ops
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    If I ever get the chance to play I dig the RPG types. Old school Final Fantasy games, Chrono Trigger. Modern games like Skyrim, Fallout 3.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    In for Ratch & Clank!!!!!

    ... and in before the onslaught of game gifs
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Im more of a PC gamer but Arkham City, Mass Effect, Portal, Heavy Rain, Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Final Fantasy

    And if I feel like spending a whole night crying I will play the Walking Dead game
  • desertSNOUT
    I rarely have the time but minecraft is a fun game.

    Used to play WoW and BF3
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    After a 5 year hiatus to WoW....I'm back to playing Eve-online. My chars have been training for almost 10 years straight now....I try not to think about how much I've spent on that monthly subscription, but I really love the game.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    After a 5 year hiatus to WoW....I'm back to playing Eve-online. My chars have been training for almost 10 years straight now....I try not to think about how much I've spent on that monthly subscription, but I really love the game.

    My husband plays Eve too. And Dust. :)
  • Ytrid
    Ytrid Posts: 181 Member
    Everquest 2, can't wait to try Everquest Next when it comes out im more of a PC gamer ! :)
  • Mahihkan
    Mahihkan Posts: 162
    Most Tom Clancy's...
  • GrimmJKA
    Fighting games. Love playing some street fighter or tekken.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    When I get a chance with everything else in my life along with trying to lose weight,

    The Sims 3
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I married a gamer..we are looking forward to PS 4 and XBox One :)
    He loves RPGs
  • jamienapolitano
    jamienapolitano Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a PC gamer with most my games on steam. I play all genres I have fps bf3 etc turn based strategy civ 5 type, real time strategy like dawn of war 2 and rpgs like skyrim, diablo 2 ( old classic), dungeon siege 1, 2, 3 etc most of my games are on steam
  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    Gamer gal here! Particularly love RPGs like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Lost Odyssy, Tales of... series, but also racing games like Mario Kart and Top Gear, plenty of Mario games (Paper Mario series and Mario 64 being my favorites), Kirby games, Legend of Zelda every once in a while, tactics games-particularly the Fire Emblem series-and a few fighting games like Soul Caliber and Mortal Combat. I also like Pokemon, including some of the spin-offs like Pokemon Snap and Gale of Darkness. Oh and Mario Party is fun too (3 is my favorite, but I liked 2 as well) I come from a line of gamers and I married one as well, ha ha! Our son was doomed from day one, lol
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Currently playing League of Legions.
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    So many games so little time, I only play weekend nights.

    Diablo 3, WoW, Soul Caliber, Mortal Combat vs DC and Borderlads
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    My husband plays Magic online, Eve, LoL, Final Fantasy, etc etc etc. I'm more of a story person. Fallout is much more my style. Played Epic Mickey recently, that was cute. And lately been playing a lot of Simpsons Tapped Out on my tablet.