hcg and exercise

i"m doing the phase two 500 cal diet but what i would like to know dose any body do exercise i guess it really dose not mater i allready straving and i have so much fat to use as fuel that it should not hurt me


  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
    exercise depends on how your body is doing. If you are used to exercising you can continue exercising, but if you are not then it is better to wait to start until maintenance phase.

    With that said....I was used to exercising and I tried to continue while on the VLCD, however some days I got extreemly light headed and had to stop in the middle of the work out -- and that was only doing the C25K.

    Take it easy -- see how you feel and then go based on that.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i want to exercise ,i want to do abs of steel walk away the pounds and weight watchers low in pact i live in the country 35 miles from a place that has a gym with gas prices the way they are its exercise tapes or dvds for me
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I've found I have more energy for working out now on the vlcd than before. Just be warned, you may see your weight go up a bit on post work out days. It's good to exercise, because you'll be burning all those calories from fat and preserving your lean muscle mass.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    thank you that what i wanted to here on such a low calorie it would seem like you would lose more than just a pound a day i want to:grumble:on such a low calorie diet with a littel exercise it should be burning the fat fast
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    lol..i just posted a topic with the same title...i need help on this issue too.. :) sorry
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    thats okay :happy: if you find out anything good let me know
  • bgat
    bgat Posts: 63
    i will...i was running and loved it before hcg...but everytime i go to the gym it makes me gain 3-5 pounds the next day and takes me three days of not going to get it off...grrr... kind of a win lose situation...i only have 13 more pounds to go so im kind of trying to figure it all out...