Help, having trouble stopping eating!

I need to stop this once and for all. I dont need to lose much weight, but I do need to try and not put any more on. Im constantly eating well during the week, but then totally mucking it up at the weekend like a lot of people do. For example, today after work me and my other half had a shish chicken kebab, plain with half chips shared between us.

Then I got a chocolate bar, then i 've had bread with peanut butter, now im having cereal with peanut butter and will still want to eat after that. The thing is we cannot have a weekend without stuff, and what would normally happen is eating bad for the rest of the weekend and starting again on monday.

What to do? Thing is, im totally screwing up what I have done during the week, I go back to square one every week and cant seem to stop it!

I was sitting here thinking I need to do something to stop me from thinking about food, although I am on here, watching TV. I used to really enjoying colouring in, I know that sounds stupid, but do you think that doing that, using my hands, would stop me from eating? Silly idea?

Any thoughts.

thanks Rach x


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    You are not the only one that has posted something similar to this. I think you know what you need to do, you need to do something, get out for a walk, go play some sort of game, something!
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    This is while im sitting at home in the evening. I keep going downstairs and looking in the cupboards!

    Also when im bored at work, what else can I do? Work sometimes is quiet, and its a bit difficult to go out when its not lunchtime.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I have been bad to do the same thing but slowly overcoming it. I just decided NOT to do it. .. yes, that's easier said than done but if you just really, really get focused in your mind that you're not going to do it then it will be a little easier. And yes, I do still have slip-ups. . .this past Monday I ate over 1500 calories just in snacks. . .but I still entered every bit of it into my food diary even though it killed me to do it. But it made me realize just how bad it really was and I sure didn't want to do it the next day. So that's the other thing I recommend. . .is log EVERYTHING in your food diary! (if you're not already doing so) You really need to break the habit altogether if you know you're not hungry but if you ARE hungry, maybe keep some lower-calorie options on hand; lowfat popcorn, rice cakes, low-cal fudge bars, etc. These type things help me sometimes if I feel like I just have to have a snack so I don't eat as many calories. Good luck. . .I know it's not easy but you can do it!! :smile: