headed to church bazaar....what to eat, what to eat

I have 600 cals left and am dying for a homemade sloppy joe...but am worried about the sodium since I just had Panera Chicken noodle soup for 1100mg of sodium....who knew? I thought I was doing something good... any suggestions what to eat at the potatoe pancake, pierogi, halushki, homemade ice cream nightmare festival. Oh and don't say stay home because I have to work amidst all the smells. Help! I think I can I think I can I think I can........


  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    If it were me I think I would just get "sample" size portions of everything that I know I am going to really want. That way it's not a huge portion of anything but still you get to taste & try everything you want. . .good luck! I know you can, I know you can, I know you can. . .:bigsmile:
  • iluvbread
    iluvbread Posts: 104
    thanks for the advice! i ended up having half a sloppy joe...then came home and had half a cup of kix and jello....hungry but yay me!