eating more calories

Hi last night I went over my calories by 200. For the last week I have been under calories ( by about 200) on some days so I figure it should even out and I should lose weight still. Has anyone else done this and still lost?


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    Yes, over the course of several days or a week. You might gain that one day, but your weight can easily vary 2 to 4 pounds over the course of a day anyway, depending on whether you've just eaten, whether you've just emptied bladder or your bowels -- food and drink weigh something, even the parts your body isn't going to use or store, just like a sweater or a pair of jeans weigh something, and while they're in or on your body, they're going to affect your weight. You can take off the sweater or the jeans, but you can't do anything to keep from weighing the food and liquid passing through your digestive/waste system. Don't obsess. Don't weigh yourself everyday. If you weigh once a week, and you're averaging at or under your deficit-calorie over the course of the week, you should still see weight loss for the week. (If you don't, it's not because you divided your week's worth of calories unevenly among the days of the week. It's because you're not counting calories in and out accurately, or your calorie goal isn't really a deficit, or not a large enough deficit to register on the scale in one week, or you're retaining water.)
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    So long as there is still a calorie deficit you will still lose, a smaller deficit means a smaller loss. Why not just take a walk or do some exercise to burn extra calories if you go over then you would stay on track.