New to Fit Bit

HI, all:
I have just started using fit bit. How have you all liked it? Are there any cool features on it that I should know about?


  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    I've been using my fitbit since June and I really like it. I find myself more aware of my activity level and more motivated to get out and move. I hope you enjoy yours too!
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    Be prepared to lose control of your life! I've had my fitbit for 18 months... I wore it religiously for the first 6 months...then sort of fell off the wagon for a few months... back to using it since July 1, 2013... This little gadget has me walking for hours!! I am averaging around 25,000 steps a day and have logged every morsel of food that has gone into my mouth since July 1.... I weighed once in mid June and have not weighed since. I have found that in the past, the scale was a very negative force for me...I am letting the way I feel and the way my clothes are fitting as my measure of weightloss... I will someday step on the scale again, but am thinking that day will be when I can slip into a never-before-worn size 8.... The fitbit is a very intregal part of my life... if I forget to put it on, I feel naked. You will love it!!