My introduction and weight loss

Hi everyone, my name is Justin. This is my first time posting here so im going to tell a little about my dieting whoas.

Starting in my early 20's I began to put on a lot of weight, probably because of all the drinking and fast food -- recipe for disaster haha. In my mid 20's I began working out heavily and really getting into body building, now im 27. Well lifting weights is only about 30% of the work, if that. I picked up myfitnesspal and it really taught me to watch what im putting into my body and how to track it. I've come so far these past few years and my confidence level has with it!

Now down to it. I've lost about 25lbs in the past 2 years! Not to mention all the muscle weight I've put on :). I was up to 225ish now im down to 200!!! I haven't given up drinking and I still eat garbage, the difference is I really manage how often and make sure I reel it back if it gets too bad.

Gotta keep goin' :)!!