Finally Serious about this weight.

I have been going hard for the past 5 days. This year I had lymes disease, Developed an allergy to red meat/ Poultry. Sprained my cervical neck while working out and found out I have GERD.

As you can imagine I had been feeling horrible with all my health misfortunes. The moment I began to feel better I went right to the gym and I started doing what I do best. I ran. I normally run for 2 miles and than switch off and do 2 miles on an Eliptical. I come back in the Pm to do the same thing I did in the morning. I need as much support and motivation that I can get. I really want this. I have been pushing for a healthier lifestyle and with all my allergies it was pushed onto me without a choice. a blessing in disguse.
I'm 22 years old. Im a female and I weight 175lbs. I am 5'5 and im a pear shape. Im hoping to be in the 130 range as my realistic goal for the next 3 months. Any ideas or suggestions other than what ive been doing at the gym?


  • MissMary02
    MissMary02 Posts: 15 Member
    Cardio is great but I would suggest throwing some weight training in there. Maybe switch it up and do cardio in the AM and weights in the PM. Lifting weights burns just a many calories as a cardio session. Not to mention you burn more calories at your resting heart rate with more muscle tone also. Other then that, eat clean, stay motivated and you'll make that goal weight in no time! :smile: