Workout Spotter Pal!

I'm getting back into regular lifting again, I'd like to start up a another 50lb bench gain cycle, however I don't have any of my past workout buddies near me or working out in the same gym anymore. I'm looking for someone in the Bellevue/Redmond/Kirkland area who would like to trade spotting/workout buddy, doesn't have to be a guy, in fact my best spotter buddy was a 125lb woman (I actually find women on average spot better than random guys) :) I find getting random people to spot me in the gym is a complete nightmare, and stops me from benching heavy anymore, I've lost a lot of my past bench strength partially due to this. Most random gym goers don't seem to be able to spot reasonably, even though its very simple and even after you talk with them and they say they know and have done it before.

I'm not really picky, and I don't expect much or heavy lifting, just to barely give enough even force to keep the weight moving if it stalls, and if I get in trouble and you cant lift, lowering it to my chest and taking off weight is always an option (only once ever has this happened, I'm pretty careful about not overdoing). Many random spotters in the gym have actually put me more at risk of injury instead of being a helpful spotter. I have had guys pull unequally up one side vs the other, pull directly back (towards my head) instead of up, watch me strain and the weight gradually be lowered to my chest instead of actually lifting up with some spotting support and I even had one guy lean over and drip sweat on my face while I was straining -- try lifting heavy with that going on!

Anyways, I'm wanting just some plain good spotting when we can manage to meet (most times that's the hardest part, I know) trading spots or a workout buddy who is reasonably focused on getting results (I'm not a big talker or most social guy in the gym, usually just want to get my workout done), or even if you want a little advice lifting in trade, male or female, beginner or advanced, young or old, what matters is looking out for each other and spotting well. Mail me here if you are interested! I don't really want to specify weights here (its possible to safely spot a lot higher weight than you can lift), but if you want someone who you can work in alternately with your own bench routine, message me for details. Just click on my user name and then click on the green send message button!