Getting started and already going over my sugar...HELP!

residentangel Posts: 4
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hi everyone, Ive had this issue the past few days, Im going well over my sugar by lunch....
I am having bran flakes and a banana every day for breakfast, I know cereals are quite high in sugar but bran flakes are currently the only thing that Ive found to help regulate my digestion ( Ihave tried other things but would be welcome to suggestions)

Ive got a "goal" of 24 sugar a day on here (is it grams?) and today im over again having eaten my usual for breakfast and then salad for lunch (no dressings or anything) and my sugar is on 35.....

Anyone got any better ideas what I could eat for breakfast?
I seem to have some kind of intollerance to wheat/gluten yet bran flakes help :(


  • Corinne_Howland
    Corinne_Howland Posts: 158 Member
    Simple "added" sugars are one thing. Natural sugars from fruits are another. For me, a whole banana does have too many carbs, which in turn mean more insulin, since I'm diabetic
    If you don't have a health situation that makes you limit sugars from fruits. don't worry too much. I changed my sugar macro to fiber. I know I'm keeping my sugars down, I need to be sure to eat enough fiber every day. Hope this helps.
  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    I'm still over on sugar too. I think reasonable advice is to concentrate on calories first. Once you have managed to get your calories in your goal range, THEN look at protein, fat and carbs (also known as macronutrients). Then, once you've got your macros in order, you can work on your other nutrients. I'm still working on protein and fat!!

    I do look to see where high sugar numbers are coming from. If they're from fruit, then I ignore them. If from something else, I am learning from this, and seeing what substitution I can make next time. Thus, I am slowly learning how to get my sugar down even though I'm not concentrating on it per se.

    If bran flakes are a must, then work around them. Bananas are high in sugar too - do you really need a banana? Would some berries work just as well? Also look at your milk. Is there a lower sugar substitute, like almond milk that you might like too? I think cow milk is pretty high in sugar itself.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Ditch the bananas and use berries!
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Not necessary to track sugar unless you have a medical condition that warrants it. Keep it simple to start, just concentrate on kcalories and when you are comfortable with that then pay attention to macros.

    More info here
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Mix cereal with lowcarb/low fat yogurt or greek yogurt instead of milk. READ the label before u buy it!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    hmmm. Bananas are just going to put you over. I eat at least two pieces of fruit per day and that alone puts me over. I don't worry about that since it's not overdoing it.
    With that said, processed cereals are not helping with carbs/sugar . If it's a wheat allergy you have try looking to Udi's breads/muffins that are wheat free, have tons of proteins and grains you need for your system. or steel cut oats. Anway, something less processed and refined.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Magnesium supplements. Take one morning and at night. Not only are they good for you, inexpensive, they are the best "regulator" I have ever used.

    Stop with the cereal for breakfast. Have an egg. Have low cal/carb toast with peanut butter. Eat protein.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I'm still over on sugar too. I think reasonable advice is to concentrate on calories first. Once you have managed to get your calories in your goal range, THEN look at protein, fat and carbs (also known as macronutrients). Then, once you've got your macros in order, you can work on your other nutrients. I'm still working on protein and fat!!

    I do look to see where high sugar numbers are coming from. If they're from fruit, then I ignore them. If from something else, I am learning from this, and seeing what substitution I can make next time. Thus, I am slowly learning how to get my sugar down even though I'm not concentrating on it per se.

    If bran flakes are a must, then work around them. Bananas are high in sugar too - do you really need a banana? Would some berries work just as well? Also look at your milk. Is there a lower sugar substitute, like almond milk that you might like too? I think cow milk is pretty high in sugar itself.

  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I have not found it necessary to limit sugars for weight loss. It keeps coming off just fine.

    MFP is set to the normal recommendations for added sugars.

    If seeing the red number annoys you, you can change which nutrients you track.
  • jenniferb_00
    I go over my sugar every day without a question. But its almost always sugar from fruit so i just ignore it. When its the sugar from ice cream then im kind of like darn it all...
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