maintenance calories ok to eat?

hi guys

I've been on 1200 calories a day for quite sometime and i have lost a lot of weight and extremely happy with how i look now.
i am 5'1 and 46kg think thats 104 pounds?

i switched to maintenance on my fitnesspal and it gives me 1570 NET calories, and i am really scared to eat more and after exercise that means i have to reach 1570. so i could for example consume 1800 calories a day.

will i not gain weight doing this? will i definitely maintain? has anyone switched to higher calories after such a low calorie intake and been ok?

thanks :)


  • GymRatGirl13
    GymRatGirl13 Posts: 157 Member
    Yes. I went from 1200 calories daily to over 2300. Add 100 calories every other week. Slow and steadily increse. You will be fine. :-)
  • jessiefreedman
    jessiefreedman Posts: 28 Member
    thanks didn't think of doing that just adding the calories slowly?

  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Yeah it's always god to reintroduce gradually otherwise your body will stash the cals especially as you have been eating so little.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you may even find that net 1570 is too low - MFP says i should maintain on NET1600 but its actually closer to NET 2000.

    i agree with adding 100 cals each week till your weight stabilises. remember, you should have a maintenance range (of around 5lbs to account for fluctuations) not one goal number.

    enjoy eating all the food!!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Yes. I went from 1200 calories daily to over 2300. Add 100 calories every other week. Slow and steadily increse. You will be fine. :-)

    Agree. Adding them slowly might be a good way to acclimate your body and mind to the increase.
  • jessiefreedman
    jessiefreedman Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks everyone will def give it a go. x
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    I went from 1310 to 1950 very (and I mean very gradually) and continued to lose weight until I got there. I have been struggling mentally with convincing myself that I need to eat all of those calories because I have trained myself to fear going over my goal.

    If you increase slowly, you will be fine. And remember, you calorie goal is not a limit to stay under, it is a target to hit. Hope that helps :)