Did I calculate right???



  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    for me to maintain my weight, I read I have to eat 1800..
    forgive my ignorance, but how will eating 200cal less make me lose weight?

    Should I follow MFP 1200 or TDEE 1400-1600?

    I gained weight lol.....
    On Sunday I was at my lowest 52.5 now, (since a 2 days of increasing) I am 53.5!

    It doesn't sound like you need to lose weight. ? The body can be very resistant to losing weight when you are already fairly light. If you want to look "leaner" and are willing to lift weights/strength train, lean recomposition is probably the way to go.

    ah finally found page 2! I kept hopping back on the page but never saw anyone reply lol..
    I do feel chubby, my arms are very flabby :( you know when people squeeze their bellies and a donut forms.. I have a birthday CAKE size D:... my bones are very small, so I know my fat% is high.
    I'm back to 52.5- trying to lose 4.5kg, my friend actually told me to lose 7.5kg more to "look good" I won't go that far though! that's way too boney. She is 15cm taller then me and 50kg, wanting to lose another 2kg! but she eats ALOT though. I never met any girl that eats as much as her haha.

    Sounds like the initial weight gain came off again? That often happens after a calorie increase if you are still under your TDEE. In regards to the deficit, I would still recommend a very conservative/moderate deficit, such as TDEE-20% which, assuming your TDEE is around 2000, would be around 1600 at the very least (gross intake, exercise included). And strength training would benefit you tremendously in preserving the lean mass you have. Without strength training, you could lose 10 more lbs in a combination of fat and muscle and not be much happier with your body composition than you are now.

    Good luck!

    ETA --if you look in "my topics" on the top of the forums page it will tell you if there has been recent activity in the topics you posted in. It took me about a year to figure that out...
  • 1200lne
    1200lne Posts: 15
    Thanks for this! I am very weak, so this sounds like a great thing to do! but the eating plan (for me at this stage) is too unrealistic! I can't eat that much chicken and steamed vegetables D:!! I hate chicken the most out of all meats lol
    (apologies to OP for hijacking thread)
    no problem at all :D

    Thanks jsl_mfp! Will definitely look into weight training!!! Where do I start?? I am so weak I can't even lift myself over a fence
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Thanks for this! I am very weak, so this sounds like a great thing to do! but the eating plan (for me at this stage) is too unrealistic! I can't eat that much chicken and steamed vegetables D:!! I hate chicken the most out of all meats lol
    (apologies to OP for hijacking thread)
    no problem at all :D

    Thanks jsl_mfp! Will definitely look into weight training!!! Where do I start?? I am so weak I can't even lift myself over a fence

    I do body weight strength training for the most part so someone else can advise you better on weight lifting programs, but here are my favorite resources -- the first is more general but very good info and I used it to get started when I was doing some dumbbell stuff, and the others are body weight related.





    More body weight resources would include the "you are your own gym" book and app (app is worth the price at just a few bucks) and the convict conditioning program although I haven't personally used the latter.

    I like body weight stuff because you can do it anywhere with minimal equipment and I feel that the movements are more functional and more likely to involve core/balance/proprioception work, but people love going to the gym and lifting weights too. There is plenty of advice on the boards for new lifters. The key is finding something that you enjoy and will do consistently.