I'm trying to be determined!

So I am at a point where I HAVE to do something its no longer a choice. I just turned 30 and said I wanted to have lost all my weight before then. Well I haven't and now here I am grasping for some determination to do what I see so many others do. I want to have a child and know that at the weight I am it would not be healthy for me or the child. I do great on weight watchers however I don't have the money to pay to use the program or go to the meetings. I am over 350 lbs and all advice anyone has is greatly appreciated.


  • Being determined is the hardest part of losing weight for me. I'm on medication that increases appetite. I do pretty good for a day or two, then give in to hunger pains. The best advice I can offer is to find someone to help you stay motivated. (I too tried weight watchers but cannot afford to go to meetings)
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    Just make a step in the right direction. Start honestly logging what you are eating, start walking, and troll the forums. There is a lot of garbage advice on the lists but there are also a lot of amazingly patient people who share their information. You'll soon figure out the difference between the two. You don't have to be perfect from now on, just do better than yesterday. Each day.

    Good luck. You can do it.
  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
    Have you been on mfp long?

    Try add some friends who will keep you motivated - there are loads of community boards just tell peops to add you and they will (feel free to add me).

    Seeing other people struggling and encouraging each other helps big time.

    If you wanna lose weight- then you will stay true (even when we have crappy days) to sticking to the calorie counting. Believe me I've fell off the wagon a few times and it's a pain in the *kitten* when you can't be bothered... but hey we want results and they ain't coming for free.

    I use this site more than facebook (FB bores me silly now)... but at least we all have a common goal on this site and you know you can do this.

    Good Luck, and as I say feel free to add me as a friend... it adds a whole new dimension to it x
  • jamr1019
    jamr1019 Posts: 47 Member
    It does take a lot of determination, dedication and discipline but you can do it. Take it one day at a time and have confidence in yourself. Don't get discourgaged & stay motivated. Wish you well. Feel free to add as friend. :-)
  • GrynEyes18
    GrynEyes18 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much for the advice!! :smile:
  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    Trying to get determined too. I am so sick of myself that I just have to do something about it now. I find logging in every day and having friends on here who are on a similar journey is very helpful. Feel free to add me.
  • SixFourTwo
    SixFourTwo Posts: 31 Member
    I promised myself much the same for my 39th Birthday - and failed the exact same.

    Dont feel oblidged to take my crazy advice but ...take a photo of yourself in tight leggins and t-shirt, profile and front on. Look long and hard at the photos and then keep looking at them every time you have a food related wobble! Pictures don't lie and thats naughty food choices that have given you more of you, than you'd really like. Go for a walk instead, or do some ironing...anything to distract yourself.

    And if you are super brave - put those pictures on a blog (you don't have to publish), knowing that when you have lost the weight, you'll get a massive thrill from posting a before and after for the whole world to see!

    I've lost over 30lbs with 20 of them since July 1st (the week after my birthday!).
    Here is mine: http://helenforsyth.wordpress.com/2013/08/07/self-shaming-photo/

    You truly are your greatest resource and you are strong enough to do this thing.
    Only you can give this to yourself and yes, You really deserve this. Wonderful You!!!
  • Feisty_one
    Feisty_one Posts: 81 Member
    hi, ive got a lot of weight to lose, more than 150lbs so i know how you feel, i also said i was going to lose all my weight before i turned 30 but like you it didnt happen, i even had a lap band put in!
    so if you need a buddy im here,
    i have four children, but i want another one and i know i cant been this size, i always put on 5 stone with my pregnancies and if i did that again it would take me of the edge!
    good luck :)
  • I have the same problem as you. I also need motivation and would love to do weight watchers but I also cant afford it. One thing I remember is to always have a glass of water before each meal and after each meal. Good Luck !!!
  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
    Another thing I have done this year (i've been on here a while & keep starting doing well then stopping), I have started a paper journal. I've put my mini goals in there, why I want to lose weight etc etc (like a diary) and keep a little log of your days.... today was a bad day but I will try harder tomorrow. Resisted that cake... etc etc Today was great and I'm going to keep it up.

    It keeps you with something to write your emotions in and it hits home a little bit more why you want this and therefore keep you encouraged. I have a couple of bad photos in mine which I see every time I go in there and again another motivation tool (better than keepin it on the fridge where everyone can see).

    I also write down my weekly weigh in and measure different parts of my body with a tape measure - then sometimes when the scales aren't being too friendly you may see that the tape measure will show you your hard work is paying off by the inches you are losing :)