Struggling to too? Anyone Paleo friendly?

Hi all,

I've been on and off this app forever. I get bored very easily working out and my schedule is nuts so it takes nothing to throw me off. I'm probably using that as a lame excuse! Anyway...

I'm a pretty healthy eater but have recently taken to the Paleo style of eating which is very much the way I eat anyway (lots of fruits and veggies, lots of fish, some meat...) but the trick with Paleo is the no grain. Ugh...that's a toughie. I don't even eat much of it but the little that I did get satiated a craving for it. Paleo is also no dairy and no legumes. That's not a problem much either.

I don't worry when I go out if the scrambled eggs I order were made with milk or not or if I have the occasional glass of organic red wine (I love me some red wine....) but one of my fav things is really good pizza and all kinds of unique beers. Doing a beer sampler at a brewery is one of my fav things, next to pizza. Not doing either. :(

I'm really trying this for 30-days then I'll be a tiny bit more relaxed about it after that 30 if it works with my system. Digestive issues are an issue in my family, so that's why I'm trying Paleo since it doesn't allow for preservatives or refined sugar. I've noticed a difference already. A little, nothing major but it's only been a week.

Anyone else give it a go?

Always looking for friends to share and support in this crazy journey. Hoping we all get to our "goal" healthier and happier.

Give a shout if you're like minded! Have a fantastic day!


  • Maribee112
    Add me as a friend, more support the better. I've looked into paleo as well. Can you have quinoa?
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Hey there! I'm on day 4 of a modified paleo/anti-yeast eating way of life. (I don't use the word diet because it's something I hope to adhere to forever). So far so good for me. I'm still trying to figure out good snacks that are satisfying.

    Feel free to add me. I'm not super knowledgeable, but we can support each other through this! :)
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    I'm doing a modified version of paleo/gluten free. No bread, pasta, soda, or processed carbs in general. Nothing that comes from a box or bag, or any of the center aisles of the grocery store. I still allow dairy and legumes and I eat all types of meat. That simple change and I dropped 20 lbs. I have still allowed beer, but my weight loss is plateauing so I'm going to remove that for a while.
    One thing I've begun to realize about myself is that telling myself no to a certain group of foods works....and counting calories generally does not. I can stick to this diet change, but get distracted when I'm counting calories (mind you it works for me in short bursts to see what level of calorie consumption I'm at). I'll probably never eat "bready" foods again, at least not on the regular - and I'm content with that. I've enjoyed the way this change has prompted me to eat at home more often and be more creative in the kitchen. When I eat out I actually often find myself disappointed, thinking "Man, I could have made this myself....and saved $20!"
  • mdneal1215
    mdneal1215 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I've just signed up on MFP and was purusing for the subject of Paleo when I found your mention of it. I'm looking into Paleo and have some sample recipes I'm trying. I have found when I ate grains, breads and such I would get hungry but having tried eating the Paleo way seems to really satify me and I don't get hungry. I am going to give it a try for a couple of weeks and see how I feel and how much weight I lose.
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    Feel free to add me always looking for new friends