Diet Pill shame?

I have always been a sucker to the latest fad diet, cabbage soup, cutting out red meat colon cleanse tablets acai berry tablets.
but recently i was given a diet pill called "Lipro" which yes it has helped me loose 1 stone and 2lbs in 4 weeks but not without side affects :(
everybody keeps saying how much weight i have lost and how great i look, but it's not enough for me i want to loose at least another 2 stone, but i'm scared that these tablets are causing by body harm...
I'm still eating while i take i them but according to this website not enough and body can go into starvation mode! :s i know people will think im just not eating but anybody taking these tablets will no how hard iti to eat and keep it down...
ive looked on the internet but i dont really trust the sites does anybody know about these tablets or have there own account of taking them..???


  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    Ugh- Sorry girl, but I can not give you positive feedback on any diet pills. THROW THEM AWAY. A quick solution is not a permanent solution and yes, those are unhealthy for you:
    a. heart problems
    b. vision problems
    c. liver problems
    d. kidney problems
    e. headaches

    They do not teach you how to eat, how to lose and how to maintain. Mostly they are laden with caffeine, a natural diuretic.
    If you can't stop yourself with one fad pill after another, I would seek help from a specialist. I think the key to healthy permanent weightloss is smart eating and activity!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Looking at your motto "anybody is capable", I believe you are capable of living a healthy lifestyle by choosing to do so the natural way. You are just 19 years old. Do you want to live your life relying on over the counter pills and fads that can all have side affects, effecting your long term life and how you enjoy it? I encourage you to give up the pills, and fads and adopt healthier food choices and implement an exercise program. I can say this with some experience as I am 52 and over the years was always looking for an easy, quick way to lose weight. While I may have succeeded in losing those 10-20 pounds for my reunions, new dress, etc... I assure you when I dropped the fad or pill, the weight came back on plus MORE! Eating healthy foods, working out, making good (yet sometimes hard) choices is the only sure way to long term weight loss and it also ensures that you are fueling your body without harmful chemicals which can manipulate your digestion system. You are beautiful and I encourage you to take care of yourself, as you have the potential for a beautiful life ahead of you! You are capable!!!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I know loads of people who have lost massive amounts of weight on diet pills and I have to admit, it makes me a bit jealous and I have thought about it. But the really dont work long term, as soon as you stop, you will be back into old habits and gaining as fast as you lost. get rid i say, slow and steady wins the race.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I just want to say that not ALL diet pills are bad. I have to disagree that once you stop the weight comes back...etc.
    I agree most fad diets and pills you buy at the drugstore may be in fact crap however my doctor gave me Meridia and I only took it short term but did see results. I wanted something to help curb my appetite while trying to get back on track and that did it. It made me feel fuller so that I wasn't comsumed by food all day and could focus on diet and exercise. Often times I read posts here and they seem very black and white and I had to comment.

    I would talk to your doctor. They know you and your body and can help make a wise choice. I have been doing it now without any pills and I am doing great. I am happy that I had them though to get me started and on the right path. Once I quit taking them I had no weight gain so that theory isn't always true.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I took diet pills about 10 years ago and will NEVER take them again. I did OK at first but within a few weeks I got completely crazy! I noticed myself being mean and very impatient and could feel my face getting red at the silliest things. And once I quit taking them I gained the weight back because I didn't learn how to eat and exercise properly. When you really work for the weight loss I think it means more and you work harder to keep it off. I say ditch the pills.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    You can't get it fast And have it last.

    You cant have it fast, and have it last.

    This is my new motto. Diet pills, super cleanses, shots in your *kitten*, eating icecream and grapefruit...phooey. They do NOT work. Period.

    Two years ago I was a 47 year 'old' woman. I awoke each morning with such pain in my neck and upper back, that I litterally rolled out of my bed. My muscles were weak and I felt old and washed out.

    I went to make coffee and took my muscle relaxer, advil and crestor(cholesterol) with my first cup of coffee. I ate nothing, just went to work.

    Around 12 I was starving, so I stopped at Mcdonalds for a burger and fries, because it was easy.

    I came home a 6pm and again, stopped off for some fast food. Maybe Boston Market or something 'good' for me.

    I ate, cleaned a bit and went to lay down. 6-7 pm in bed, at 47 years of age, SEVEN PM!!

    One year ago today I found my old MFP account. It started as a whim to lose 10 pounds FAST....what could I do, what could I take??? Checked on Ali....uh dont want to poo my pants. Others would make me jittery.

    I told my Orthopedist I was frustrated with the pain, so he set me up with Physical Therapy. I told the PT I could NOT do any exercise. She showed me what I could do and my life began to change.

    I logged onto MFP and put in all of my food for the prior week I ate WHAT?? You see as a single meal it didnt seem bad, but looking at it as the enemy is is to my way!

    Well I lost 30 pounds with diet and exercise. Did I lose 10 pounds before 4th of July last year, hell no! But....over the next 6 months my life changed. Changed in a great way. I am off the cholesterol meds, no more muscle relaxers, cuz guess what? Exercise IS a muscle relaxer!!

    I eat breakfast each morning, have snacks, eat veggies and hummus (shout out Tam!) and use good fats (shout out Banks!!) on my big plate of salad, and I LOVE IT!!

    I go to bed at 9-10 and have a life with my family. I jump out of bed in the morning-my body LIFTS me because I treat it well.

    So please know, you CAN do this. Either way, this past year would be gone folks. I could still be sitting here whining about all the bad things that happened to me and how it made me fat. The bottom line is CHOICES made me fat.

    Make ONE choice today and stick with it.

    If you want it fast, it will not last. you.gif" alt="flowerforyou" />
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I wrote this last year. Since I have lost another 8 pounds, without 'dieting'. I was on MAINTENCE calories :noway:

    My life changed so much from changing my thinking and doing that even with the threat of having to move 300 miles from my husband to keep my job of 18 years, a minor stroke, heart surgery to repair a hole in my heart...........I still have remained healthy.

    Diet pills cannot teach you that and tear up your insides. My metabolism was so screwed up from my past indiscretions, I could only lose 1/2 pound a week.

    Stick to MFP and I swear you will lose the weight! Look at the black team.......I think we have 4 ppl who lose 100+ pounds with out a single pill or day of nothing but cabbage soup!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Hi. I don't have any experience with diet pills but I will also swear that MFP works. It doesn't cost anything. You just measure and record what you eat. Make smarter choices. Exercise because you WANT those 300 extra calories for dinner. It WORKS. Now I am at my goal weight (doc says my current weight is good) and I will continue to eat healthy and exercise because I WANT to keep looking as good as I dow now. I LOVE having nice muscles not buried under a inch of fat. I LOVE having my clothes look good. All it took was time and commitment. I did not feel sick or unhealthy. There were some post-workout days when I knew I overdid but I learned how much was too much and my body got stronger. Like the others have said, I want to feel and look this way 20 years from now too. You can't count on taking pills or eating weird diets for the rest of your life. You have to find something that works for you and will work for the long haul. Please believe you can do this. I was doubtful at first to but decided to give it a try and now I am such a believer.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Well, I can tell you that I tried one and it was AWFUL. I used to get diethylpropion from a slimming 'clinic' - basically a doctor prescribing drugs to make a quick bit of cash.

    I couldn't sleep, had terrible headaches, was sweaty and anxious... just awful. And again, they don't teach you how to eat properly and recognise your body's signals. They're just a quick fix. And yes, the weight went back on because I hadn't learned anything by being on them.

    I've lost weight by controlling what I eat and exercising. I don't know how tall you are, but make sure that 120-130lbs is a realistic target for you. In my 20s (I'm in my 30s now), I constantly set unrealistic goals for myself like 9 stone (126lbs) which at 5'7" and a medium/pear-shape frame, isn't realistic. It always ended in "failure" which made me comfort eat and put back on any weight lost.

    I can't tell you not to take them because that's entirely up to you. I can honestly say that 10 years ago, I probably wouldn't have listened to anyone telling me not to take them! But I speak from experience - they did me no good! xx
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    I wrote this last year. Since I have lost another 8 pounds, without 'dieting'. I was on MAINTENCE calories :noway:

    My life changed so much from changing my thinking and doing that even with the threat of having to move 300 miles from my husband to keep my job of 18 years, a minor stroke, heart surgery to repair a hole in my heart...........I still have remained healthy.

    Diet pills cannot teach you that and tear up your insides. My metabolism was so screwed up from my past indiscretions, I could only lose 1/2 pound a week.

    Stick to MFP and I swear you will lose the weight! Look at the black team.......I think we have 4 ppl who lose 100+ pounds with out a single pill or day of nothing but cabbage soup!!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie