New to MFP, not to the ups and downs of weight

Hey all! I'm a 33 year old divorced woman living in Texas, looking to get this pudge to budge again! About 5 years ago, I started on Sp***people, and went from 224 to 158 lbs. Then, real life kicked my *kitten*... my grandfather died, I got divorced, my grandmother died, my mother got sick with cancer, my dad died, my *other* grandfather died... YIKES. Unfortunately, my health has taken a back seat during all of this and 100 lbs came on like gangbusters.

I like who I am inside, but I need to get the outside to be a reflection of the true me. I'm looking for newbies, oldies, singles, whoever - the support system of close online friends made all the difference to me in the past and I know it will do the same again. I just spent about an hour on the success stories before/after pics thread to get my head back in the game - I have done this before, and I will DO IT AGAIN! Can't wait to meet some of y'all!



  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    Wow sounds like you have definitely endured your share of heartache! Glad to see you are back here and getting back on track with diet/exercise!
  • 1aurane
    1aurane Posts: 73 Member
    Good to see you back after everything you have gone through ...though you are determined may I wish you good luck on your journey ... :smile:
  • queenjane1023
    queenjane1023 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome, glad to see you back at it after such an emoitional time. Fellow Texan here (well, a NY transplant living here anyways). I've been on and off the wagon the past two or so years, for varying reasons. You can do it again, you've got the right mindest to keep it going :smile: