calories and weight loss

I have been doing this for 8 weeks now and I have lost 24lbs, I know this is very good, but I am now stuck. I eat 1570 cals per day and most days I burn between 400 and 600 cals. I have been losing on average 3-4lbs per week but last week I only lost 1lb and this week I feel heavier and I have gained 1lb... Can someone please offer me some advice???


  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    You say you burn 400 - 600 cals per day but you don't say if that is from working out or just lying around.. If it is from lying around you should be burning much more than that ! Losing 3 to 4 pounds per week is good but it is a litle too much. Did you go my the MPP standards and put in all available info? If so did you say you wanted to lose 2 lbs per week, (that's the max) .. If so you may need to make other adjustments.. Losing at a slower rate enables you to not only get used to it but to develop good eating and exercising habits ... Anyway sorry about preaching here lol..
  • candiceh3
    Your menstrual cycle could be affecting your weight loss.