Motivation Monday - with photos

Motivational Monday - It's been a long 125 days but my results are what keeps me going daily. Some people look to others for motivation, I would love to be that motivation for others. However, I've discovered that if I can't be my own motivation then no one else will be able to provide that motivation for me. I'm not sure if this holds true for everyone or just me but that's what I've learned over the past few months.
It all starts in your mind, once you conquer your mind the rest will fall into place. You have to get into the mindset of nourishing your body instead of eating b/c you want to eat or eat what you think taste good. Example - my husband would choose any cake, cookie, brownie over fruit - why b/c he thinks it taste better. Yes they taste good but you can enjoy fruit so much more because it's good for your body. I've learned that if I dont like the way something tastes, if I try it 3-5 times I begin to like it. I know that sounds nuts but it works for me. I used to hate bananas, I dont know if it was the flavor or the texture but now I love them! Nothing tastes as good as fit feels, I have to remind myself that from time to time. Hubby isnt complaining to much, since we've cut out eatting out for dinner every night and I cook cleaner meals he's benefited too and lost almost 20lbs (with no exercise - dang men lol - reminded of that slimquik commercial LOL)
So my new motto - Eat clean, lift heavy and see results - it really is true! By eat clean I mean nothing processed if it's grown it's good if it comes from a factory it's bad meats are all fine but i get mine from a local butcher and all my fruits and veges from a local farmers market (that I just found and absolutely fell in love with! (I'm not perfect I will have a cheat day but they have become fewer and fewer b/c I just feel blah afterwards!)
On Friday I was able to purchase my first pair of size 16 regular pants - first time in my entire adult life that I wasnt in the 18w 20w 22w 24w (where I started 24w) Super excited about that!!

“Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly.” ~Stephen R. Covey

As always add me if you'd like :)




  • jessannprice
    jessannprice Posts: 183 Member
    Amazing progress!! If you hadn't started 125 days ago, you wouldn't be this far in your journey.

    You're an inspiration! Keep it up!
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    Great job!!
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    Good job. Awesome progress! Keep it up.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    SO motivating! Thanks for sharing and a BIG congrats to you! Love the blended photos!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    Super job & looking good ...... keep on truckin' !
  • JeanSoCal
    JeanSoCal Posts: 23 Member
    So happy for you! You look fabulous and I know that you are feeling great! :bigsmile:
  • floridared
    floridared Posts: 52 Member
    Wow! Hip Hip Hooray. You are so right. We have to be our biggest fan and motivator. Congrats.