Am i losing to fast?

Before i began dieting and exercise i weighed in a 179lbs 4 weeks on i have lost 1 stone and 2lbs i think its great and want to keep it up but i'm worried im losing weight to fast and it will cause damage. I have cut alot of food out of my diet including red meat, junk food, takeaways, fizzy drinks, crisps chocolate sweets bread pasta chips you get the drift... i have also been doing Pilates and box-aeroabics.


  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    I have only been doing MFP for a month, but prior to this I have lost 70lbs, which I did in 8 months. I lost 14.5lbs in the first 4 weeks and put it down to the fact that I needed to loose the weight and too be fair had a lot to loose, after this it slowed down and I have since kept it off for 5 years now, I dont know if is bad for you but it worked for me. Saying that I have decided that I now want to loose another 10lbs and I am finding that really difficult.

    You may find that your weight loss may pleateau out a little. Good luck:smile:
