Skin Problems

So I have quit on junk foods and started eating healthy. I have been exercising a lot too. My problem is I have a bad case of blackheads and pimples are starting to show up which I normally don't have before. Does my change in diet lead to skin problems? Did anybody here had the same problem before? I am really confused. I have been eating healthy and my skin seem to revolt against me. HELP


  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    Personally, if I start eating too much sugar, I start breaking out really badly. But in general, yes, I think a change in diet would cause your skin to change. Keep with exercising and eating healthy....remember to drink a lot of water, too. If you still are breaking out, try changing things up a bit?
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Are you eating enough? I know that going too low in calories and nutrients can cause acne problems. I would double check how much you are eating.
  • iheartlife
    Typically, if you're eating healthy foods and skipping out on the junk, your skin is going to reflect that in a positive way. Have a look at your exercise routine instead. Post-workout, yout should make a concious effort to properly take care of your skin. Be sure to cleanse and moisturize according to your skin type as a post-workout face (a warm temperature and excess moisture from sweat) provides the perfect breeding grounds for certain bacteria. I'd be willing to bet that this, rather than your change of diet, is the cause of your unwanted breakouts.
  • happily
    happily Posts: 72 Member
    I had forgotten until I read your post, but about the second week of the new way of eating, my skin looked like roadkill. Not sure how I forgot that because I spent days complaining endlessly about it.

    It only lasted a few days, and it's back to normal now. It didn't make any sense to me because I was suddenly eating the way a body ought to eat. I could see if I'd started on a Buttered Popcorn and Hershey Bar Diet, but healthy and balanced?

    Maybe I was flushing out some bizarre reserve of pimple dough.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Well, I learned in beauty school that if you have a drastic change in diet or lifestyle, the body rids itself of toxins. Unfortunantly, it can rid itself in your face and make pimples/blackheads. After each work out make sure you wash your fash with a gentle scrub, adn use a toner or astringent(depending on skin type-oily skin is for astringent, normal to dry is a toner) and use a moisturizer, no matter hw oily your skin maybe....make sure all your products you use are non-comodegenic, which in not-so-smart terms maeans it won't clog the pores. All the makeup you use should be oil free and non comodegenic. The best face wash I have found is called doens't foam up or anything, but its great for using as a makeup remover or just as a face wash. I have a face scrub from the Murad line, which workds really well. I have acne, evne though i'm 23, but i would probably have liek acne bulgaris if i dind't take care of my skin right. Also, If you get pimples on your forehead, that is a digestional problem area....and if you get it in the chin are then that is your hormonal area, so you might be having hormone issues since fat cells carry a lot of estrogen, and you are losing fat cells, which could in return be causing acne in that area. Hope this helps
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    As stored fat breaks down it releases all the toxins that has been bound up with it, and one of the way the body gets rid of toxins is through the skin in the form of spots. I've had a few breakouts during the last few months, but each time its only lasted a few days before going back to normal. So hang in there and stick with it, while spots arn't very nice just think of the end result, a lovely slim body and glowing skin.
