post wedding blues.



  • ericarfloyd
    ericarfloyd Posts: 93 Member
    Beautiful photo and congratulations! Here's to many more years!

    I was in the same weight gain boat after a job layoff but found that taking a couple of the challenges on the MFP boards has helped. I just started back last week but on Friday when I didn't want to get up to work out, my first thought was could I log zero minute of cardio (under the motivation board it's the move it challenge). I decided no I couldn't and got my butt up! It's not that I'm competitive, it's held me to be accountable to others - even if it's people I don't know. I don't want somebody else looking at my estimated cardio time and see what I actually did and think I'm a slacker! It helps me so maybe it'll help you too!
  • amorthee
    amorthee Posts: 14 Member
    Well, I pushed myself to go this morning. Feeling great after! (Not during)
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    If I relied on motivation, I'd have quit the day after I started.

    This exactly. I have made my workouts part of my morning routine. Sometimes I really don't feel like exercising but I do it anyway and I'm always glad I did. It gets a little easier once you've established the habit. Then once you start seeing results, your motivation builds.
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 65 Member
    I gained 40 pounds in the first year I was married. A workout buddy was my motivator. While my husband and I are active together, we are also very comfortable with each other and when he bugs me to go to the gym and I'm not in the mood, I have no problem telling him to buzz off. But, when I have plans to meet a friend at the gym, I won't call her to say no. I love spending time with my hubby, but I see him all the time (literally - we live, commute, and work together), meeting a friend I don't get to see all the time makes going to the gym more fun.
  • Determined82
    Determined82 Posts: 455 Member
    I know exactly what you are going through. A couple years ago I lost 40lbs and got down to my goal weight. Once the weight started creeping back on I thought I would be able to knock it right back off but it really messed me up mentally and next thing I knew I had gained 60lbs back! It was really hard getting that motivation back to start all over again. Nip that **** in the butt now while you still can. I'm not as active as I was the first time around but even 15 minutes of exercise per day can make a huge difference! I mostly focus on what I eat and have managed to lose 30lbs already just doing that alone.
  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    I understand 100% where you're coming from. I have been having such a hard time getting back to the gym since I've been back from the honeymoon. Sucks I'm so scared to get near the scale. But I'm ready to get back into a great routine.
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    You do look like Meg Ryan. Good luck!
  • ErMHa
    ErMHa Posts: 3 Member
    Agree with missydawn1973. I joined small group training at my gym in January and the accountability keeps me going back very consistently. The people are really nice and it's actually a pleasure to see them. I got married within the last few weeks and am hoping to settle right back into my routine (can -always- see/imagine how one can get off track), and that's how I found this thread. Thanks, all!
  • marinemplunkett69
    marinemplunkett69 Posts: 184 Member