under 30- seen pet cemetery?

kitsune1989 Posts: 93 Member
So my husband I were talking about movies and such. He made the argument that movies like pet cemetery are out of my age range. I disagreed saying that it is an iconic movie and thus beyond an age barrier. Well apparently I'm a biased source since I'm a huge fan of price and karloff. He's 31 and has never seen psycho which I felt was more odd. So thoughts? Are movies that have become classics or iconic still bound by age?


  • Mobilemuscle
    Mobilemuscle Posts: 945 Member
    Gage was a creepy little *kitten*
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    seen it and 25
  • FizikallyFit
    FizikallyFit Posts: 180 Member
    I've seen all the classics. They are epic, of not a little cheesy lol
  • comrade_questions
    comrade_questions Posts: 103 Member
    Stephen King is iconic himself! Seen it, 22 ;)
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    28 seen it many times
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I'm 36 and I've seen Pet Cemetery but had to jump in here because I have not seen Psycho.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    Seen it and seen it. 27.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I haven't seen Psycho either (I'm 35) but have seen EVERYTHING Stephen King, he is my FAVE author!
  • kattaw
    kattaw Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 24 and I've seen Pet Sematary a ton of times. Growing up, it was one of the movies that I'd sit down to watch anytime I saw it on TV, like whelp, better cancel my plans for the next two hours, this is more important. It is definitely weirder that he hasn't seen Psyco; I honestly didn't realize it could be avoided (not that I would). But to your point, I would agree that iconic movies are not necessarily bound by age, at least not in terms of their cultural significance. I don't expect everyone to have seen them - I'm not surprised when I meet a fifteen year old who hasn't seen Gone With the Wind, whereas I'd be shocked if she didn't at least know what it was.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    28 here, seen and read both by the time I was 24. But I'm a biased source as well :smile:

    Why do you think Pet Sematary is iconic though?
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    22, seen and read Pet Sematary. I don't know if I'd call it iconic though.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    We just watched Gremlins with our 13 yr old, and Princess Bride and ET before that. We have determined that he must be exposed to the iconic movies. However, Pet Cemetery probably wont be one of them. Too creepy for him.

    I know I am way out of the age range for this thread, but just throwing that out there. I did pull out Friday the 13th at my oldest daughter's birthday party, probably when she was around 12. Bad mistake. Had about 10 girls who were scared to turn out the lights!

    Now any of you under 30s who have seen Trilogy of Terror, get bonus points!
  • kitsune1989
    kitsune1989 Posts: 93 Member
    28 here, seen and read both by the time I was 24. But I'm a biased source as well :smile:

    Why do you think Pet Sematary is iconic though?

    Same reason someone else here has noted things like princess bride. Even if you haven't seen it you've most likely heard of it. It's one of those movies that hasn't really died with the decades since its come out.
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    Have I seen them? Only about 1,000 times. haha
  • wistera
    wistera Posts: 22 Member
    I'm under thirty and haven't seen it - have read the book though.
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    I'm 24 and I've seen it. Hell, my little sister is 13 and she has seen it.
  • kitsune1989
    kitsune1989 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm under thirty and haven't seen it - have read the book though.

  • sweet_blasphemy
    sweet_blasphemy Posts: 129 Member
    It just depends what you're exposed to growing up or what you take interest in later on. I'm 28 but had seen the Shining by the time I was 10. I also grew up on the Munsters, Sir Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, Abbot & Costello... non-horror outfits like Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers, Danny Kaye, etc etc... it's just what was around when I was a kid because it's what my (considerably older) parents were into. I'm glad though, because I still have a love and appreciation for the classics today that many people my age and younger haven't got a clue about and I almost feel sorry for them.

    My boyfriend is 33 and has never seen the Wizard of Oz and would look at me like I had a d**k on my forehead if I asked him if he'd like to listen to Billie Holiday with me, so go figure.
  • Katrina_vw91
    Katrina_vw91 Posts: 232 Member
    The scene with the sister, Zelda..... *shivers*

    "You'll never get out of bed again... Never get out of bed again! Never get out of bed again!!!!"
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    i'm 36 but I had to jump in because it was filmed near me and I saw it in my 20s. I have a friend in the movie. Very small role but still cool. He plays the long blonde haired teen guy smoking a cigarette around the campfire lol. I also didn't watched psycho until I was around 32 or 33.